using concurrent::Actorusing util::AbstractMainusing util::Argusing util::Optusing web::WebModusing wisp::WispService** Call to start Wisp and run a BedSheet app. To run BedSheet from the command line:** ** pre>** $ fan afBedSheet [-proxy] <appModule> <port>** <pre** ** Where:** - proxy: (optional) Starts a dev proxy and launches the real web app on (<port> + 1)** - appModule: The qname of the AppModule or pod which configures the BedSheet web app** - port: The HTTP port to run the app onclass Main : AbstractMain { @Opt { help="Starts a proxy and launches the real web app on (<port> + 1)"}private Bool proxy @Opt { help="[internal] Starts a thread that periodically pings the proxy to stay alive"}private Bool pingProxy @Opt { help="[internal] The port the proxy runs under"}private Int? pingProxyPort @Arg { help="The qname of the AppModule or pod which configures the BedSheet web app"}private Str? appModule @Arg { help="The HTTP port to run the app on"}private Int port** Run baby, run!override Int run(){ options := Utils.makeMap(Str#, Obj#) options["startProxy"] = proxy options["pingProxy"] = pingProxy options["pingProxyPort"] = pingProxyPort ?: -1 mod := (WebMod)(proxy ? ProxyMod(appModule, port) : BedSheetWebMod(appModule, port ,options))// if WISP reports "sys::IOErr Unrecognized Windows Sockets error: 10106: create"// then check all your ENV vars are being passed to java.// see willow := WispService {it.port=this.port; it.root=mod }return startServices([willow])}private Int startServices(Service[] services){ Env.cur.addShutdownHook |->| { shutdownServices } services.each |Service s| { s.install } services.each |Service s| { s.start }// give services a change to init themselves Actor.sleep(2sec)// exit if any service didn't start services.each |Service s| {if(!s.isRunning){ Env.cur.err.printLine("Service '${s.typeof}' did not start") Env.cur.exit(69)}}// all good, so lets hang around for a bit... Actor.sleep(Duration.maxVal)return 0}privatestatic Void shutdownServices(){ Service.list.each |Service s| { s.stop } Service.list.each |Service s| { s.uninstall }}}