** Static methods to get and set bean values from property expressions.
class BeanProperties {

    // Bad idea, static values are const! (Okay, well, thread safe - but they rarely change anyhow.)
    // static Obj getStaticProperty(Type type, Str property) { ... }
    ** Similar to 'get()' but may read better in code if you know the expression ends with a method.
    ** Any arguments given overwrite arguments in the expression. Example:
    **, "fill(255, 4)", [128, 2])  // --> 0x8080
    static Obj? call(Obj instance, Str property, Obj?[]? args := null) {
        BeanPropertyFactory().parse(property).call(instance, args)

    ** Gets the value of the field (or method) at the end of the property expression.
    static Obj? get(Obj instance, Str property) {
    ** Sets the value of the field at the end of the property expression.
    static Void set(Obj instance, Str property, Obj? value) {
        BeanPropertyFactory().parse(property).set(instance, value)
    ** Given a map of values, keyed by property expressions, this sets them on the given instance.
    ** Returns the given instance.
    static Obj setAll(Obj instance, Str:Obj? propertyValues) {
        factory := BeanPropertyFactory()
        propertyValues.each |value, expression| {
            factory.parse(expression).set(instance, value)
        return instance

    ** Uses the given property expressions to instantiate a tree of beans and values.
    ** Nested beans may be 'const' as long as they supply an it-block ctor argument. 
    static Obj create(Type type, Str:Obj? propertyValues, TypeCoercer? typeCoercer := null, |Type->BeanFactory|? factoryFunc := null) {
        factory := BeanPropertyFactory()
        if (typeCoercer != null)
            factory.typeCoercer = typeCoercer
        tree := SegmentTree(null, factoryFunc)
        propertyValues.each |value, expression| {
            property := factory.parse(expression)
            end := (SegmentTree) property.segments[0..<-1].reduce(tree) |SegmentTree mkr, segment -> SegmentTree| {   
                mkr.branches.getOrAdd(segment.expression) { SegmentTree(segment, factoryFunc) }
            end.leaves[property.segments[-1]] = value

        try {
            return tree.create(type, null)
        } catch (Err err) {
            props := |v, k| { "$k = $v" }.vals
            throw BeanCreateErr("Could not instantiate $type.signature", props, err)

@NoDoc @Js
const class BeanCreateErr : Err, NotFoundErr {
    override const Str?[] availableValues
    new make(Str msg, Obj?[] availableValues, Err? cause := null) : super(msg, cause) {
        this.availableValues = { it?.toStr }.sort
    override Str toStr() {

** Parses property expressions to create 'BeanProperty' instances. 
@Js @NoDoc
class BeanPropertyFactory {
    // Fantex test string: obj.list[2].map[wot][thing].meth(judge, dredd).str().prop
    private static const Regex  slotRegex   := Regex<|(?:([^\.\[\]\(\)]*)(?:\(([^\)]+)\))?)?(?:\[([^\]]+)\])?|>
    ** Given to 'BeanProperties' to convert Str values into objects. 
    ** Supplied so you may substitute it with a cached version and / or a more intelligent one that converts IDs to Entities.
    TypeCoercer     typeCoercer  := TypeCoercer()
    ** Given to 'BeanProperties' to create new instances of intermediate objects.
    ** Supplied so you may substitute it with one that injects IoC values.
    ** Only used if 'createIfNull' is 'true'. 
    ** Defaults to '|Type type->Obj| { BeanFactory.defaultValue(type, true) }'
    |Type->Obj|     makeFunc     := |Type type->Obj| { BeanFactory.defaultValue(type, true) }

    ** Given to 'BeanProperties' to indicate if they should create new object instances when traversing an expression.
    ** If an a new instance is *not* created then a 'NullErr' will occur.
    ** For example, in the expression 'a.b.c', should 'b' be null then a new instance is created and set. 
    ** This also applies when setting instances in a 'List' where the List size is less than the index.
    ** Defaults to 'true' 
    Bool            createIfNull := true
    ** Given to 'BeanProperties' to limit how may list items it may create for any given list.
    ** If it attempts to grow a list greater than this size then an Err is raised.
    ** Defaults to '10,000'. 
    ** Automatically creating 1000 items is mad, but 10,000 is *insane*!
    Int             maxListSize := 10000
    ** Parses a property expression stemming from the given type to produce a 'BeanProperty' that can be used to get / set / call the value at the end. 
    BeanProperty parse(Str property) {
        beanSlots   := SegmentFactory[,]

        matcher := slotRegex.matcher(property)
        while (matcher.find) {
            if ( {

            slotName    :=
            methodArgs  :=',', true)
            indexName   :=
            beanSlot    := (SegmentFactory?) null

            if (!slotName.isEmpty)
                beanSlots.add(SlotSegment(slotName, methodArgs) { 
                    it.typeCoercer  = this.typeCoercer
                    it.createIfNull = this.createIfNull
                    it.makeFunc     = this.makeFunc 

            if (indexName != null)
                beanSlots.add(IndexSegment(indexName) { 
                    it.typeCoercer  = this.typeCoercer
                    it.createIfNull = this.createIfNull
                    it.makeFunc     = this.makeFunc 
                    it.maxListSize  = this.maxListSize 

        if (beanSlots.isEmpty)
            throw Err(ErrMsgs.property_badParse(property))      

        return BeanProperty(property, beanSlots)

** Calls methods and gets and sets fields at the end of a property expression.
** Property expressions may traverse lists, maps and methods.
** All field are accessed through their respective getter and setters.
** Use `BeanPropertyFactory` to create instances of 'BeanProperty'.
@Js @NoDoc
const class BeanProperty {
    ** The property expression that this class ultimately calls. 
    const Str expression

    internal const SegmentFactory[] segments
    internal new make(Str expression, SegmentFactory[] segments) {
        this.expression = expression
        this.segments   = segments

    ** Similar to 'get()' but may read better in code if you know the expression ends with a method.
    ** Any arguments given overwrite arguments in the expression. Example:
    **, "fill(255, 4)", [128, 2])  // --> 0x8080
    Obj? call(Obj instance, Obj?[]? args := null) {
    ** Gets the value of the field (or method) at the end of the property expression.
    Obj? get(Obj instance) {
    ** Sets the value of the field at the end of the property expression.
    Void set(Obj instance, Obj? value) {
    internal Str expressionParent() {
    private SegmentExecutor callChain(Obj instance) {
        staticType := instance.typeof
        segments.eachRange(0..<-1) |bean| {
            segment     := bean.makeSegment(staticType, instance, false)
            instance    = segment.get(null) 
            staticType  = segment.returns
        return segments[-1].makeSegment(staticType, instance, true)
    override Str toStr() {