** Creates Lists, Maps and other Objects, optionally setting field values.
** Ctors may be of any scope: 'public', 'protected', 'internal' and even 'private'.
** Fields are either set post construction or via an it-block ctor argument 
** (which must be the last method parameter). 
** 'const' types **must** provide an it-block ctor if fields are to be set. 
** Bean factory instances may only be used the once. 
class BeanFactory {
    ** The type this factory will create 
    Type type {
        private set

    private OneShotLock createLock  := OneShotLock("Factory has been used")
    private Obj?[]      ctorArgs
    private Field:Obj?  fieldVals
    ** Makes a factory for the given type.
    new make(Type type, Obj?[]? ctorArgs := null, [Field:Obj?]? fieldVals := null) {
        this.type = type
        this.ctorArgs  = ctorArgs  ?: Obj?
        this.fieldVals = fieldVals ?: Field:Obj?[:]
    ** Fantom Bug:
    private Obj? get(Obj key) { null }

    ** Sets a field on the type to be instantiated.
    This set(Field field, Obj? val) {
        if (!type.fits(field.parent))
            throw ArgErr(ErrMsgs.factory_fieldWrongParent(type, field))
        fieldVals[field] = val
        return this

    ** Sets a field on the type to be instantiated.
    This setByName(Str fieldName, Obj? val) {
        field := type.field(fieldName)
        return set(field, val)

    ** Adds a ctor argument.
    This add(Obj? arg) {
        return this

    ** Creates an instance of the object, optionally using the given ctor.
    ** If no ctor is given, a suitable one is picked that matches the arguments accumulated by the factory. 
    Obj create(Method? ctor := null) {

        if (ctor!= null && ctor.parent != type)
            throw ArgErr(ErrMsgs.factory_ctorWrongType(type, ctor))

        if ( == "List" && ctorArgs.isEmpty && ctor == null) {
            valType := type.params["V"] ?: Obj?#
            return setFieldVals(

        if ( == "Map" && ctorArgs.isEmpty && ctor == null) {
            mapType := type.isGeneric ? Obj:Obj?# : type
            return setFieldVals(Map(mapType.toNonNullable))
        args := ctorArgs

        if (ctor != null) {
            if (!ctor.params.isEmpty && ctor.params[-1].type.fits(|This|#) && args.size == (ctor.params.size - 1)) {
                itBlockFunc := Field.makeSetFunc(fieldVals.dup)     // that .dup() is very important!

            argTypes := { it?.typeof }
            if (!ReflectUtils.argTypesFitMethod(argTypes, ctor) || args.size > ctor.params.size)
                throw Err(ErrMsgs.factory_ctorArgMismatch(ctor, args))
        } else {
            // look for ctors that may / or may not take an it-block, favouring those that do
            itBlockFunc     := Field.makeSetFunc(fieldVals.dup)     // that .dup() is very important!
            argsWithOut     := args
            argsWith        := args.dup.add(itBlockFunc)
            argTypesWithOut := { it?.typeof }
            argTypesWith    := argsWith   .map { it?.typeof }
            ctorsWithOut    := ReflectUtils.findCtors(type, argTypesWithOut).exclude { argsWithOut.size > it.params.size }
            ctorsWith       := ReflectUtils.findCtors(type, argTypesWith   ).exclude { argsWith.size    > it.params.size }
            ctorsBoth       := ctorsWithOut.dup.addAll(ctorsWith).unique
            if (ctorsWithOut.isEmpty && ctorsWith.isEmpty)
                throw Err(ErrMsgs.factory_noCtorsFound(type, argTypesWithOut))
            if (ctorsBoth.size > 1 && ctorsWith.size != 1)  // favour ctors with it-blocks
                throw Err(ErrMsgs.factory_tooManyCtorsFound(type, { }, argTypesWithOut))
            if (ctorsWith.size == 1) {
                ctor = ctorsWith.first
                args = argsWith
            } else {
                ctor = ctorsWithOut.first
                args = argsWithOut
        return setFieldVals(ctor.callList(args))
    override Str toStr() {
        "BeanFactory for $type.qname"
    ** Returns a default value for the given type. 
    ** Use as a replacement for [Type.make()]`Type.make`.
    ** Returned objects are *not* guaranteed to be immutable. 
    ** Call 'toImmutable()' on returned object if you need 'const' Lists and Maps.
    ** The default type is determined by the following algorithm:
    ** 1. If the type is nullable (and 'force == false') return 'null'.
    ** 1. If the type is a Map, an empty map is returned.
    ** 1. If the type is a List, an empty list is returned. (With zero capacity.)
    ** 1. If one exists, a public no-args ctor is called to create the object.
    ** 1. If it exists, the value of the type's 'defVal' slot is returned. 
    **    (Must be a static field or a static method with zero params.)
    ** 1. 'Err' is thrown. 
    static Obj? defaultValue(Type type, Bool force := false) {
        if (type.isNullable && !force)
            return null

        if ( == "List" || == "Map")
            return BeanFactory(type).create
        ctors := ReflectUtils.findCtors(type)
        if (ctors.size == 1 && ctors.first.isPublic)
        defValField := ReflectUtils.findField(type, "defVal", null, true)
        if (defValField != null && defValField.isPublic)
            return defValField.get
        defValMethod := ReflectUtils.findMethod(type, "defVal", Type#.emptyList, true)
        if (defValMethod != null && defValMethod.isPublic)

        throw Err(ErrMsgs.factory_defValNotFound(type))

    private Obj? setFieldVals(Obj? obj) {
        fieldVals.each |val, field| {
            field.set(obj, val)
        return obj