** Coerces objects to a given type via 'fromXXX()' / 'toXXX()' ctors and methods.
** This is often useful for converting objects to and from Strs, but can be used for much more. 
** 'TypeCoercer' inspects type parameters in Lists and Maps and also converts the contents of each.
** Example, coercing 'Int[1, 2, 3]' to 'Str[]' will convert each item of the list into a Str.
** Similarly, when coercing a map to a new map type, all the key and vals will be converted.   
** The 'caseInsensitive' and 'ordered' attributes of new maps are preserved.
** If performance is required, then use [Concurrent]`` 
** to create a 'TypeCoercer' that caches the functions used to convert between one type and another. 
** Full code for a 'CachingTypeCoercer' is given below: 
** pre>
** using afBeanUtils
** using afConcurrent
** ** A 'TypeCoercer' that caches its conversion methods.
** const class CachingTypeCoercer : TypeCoercer {
**    private const AtomicMap cache := AtomicMap()
**    ** Cache the conversion functions
**    override protected |Obj->Obj|? createCoercionFunc(Type fromType, Type toType) {
**       key := "${fromType.qname}->${toType.qname}"
**       return cache.getOrAdd(key) { doCreateCoercionFunc(fromType, toType) } 
**    }
**    ** Clears the function cache 
**    Void clear() {
**       cache.clear
**    }
** }
** <pre
const class TypeCoercer {
    ** Returns 'true' if 'fromType' can be coerced to the given 'toType'.
    Bool canCoerce(Type fromType, Type toType) {
        if ( == "List" && == "List") {
            valFunc := createCoercionFunc(fromType.params["V"] ?: Obj?#, toType.params["V"] ?: Obj?#) 
            return valFunc != null

        if ( == "Map" && == "Map") {
            keyFunc := createCoercionFunc(fromType.params["K"] ?: Obj#,  toType.params["K"] ?: Obj#) 
            valFunc := createCoercionFunc(fromType.params["V"] ?: Obj?#, toType.params["V"] ?: Obj?#) 
            return keyFunc != null && valFunc != null

        return createCoercionFunc(fromType, toType) != null
    ** Coerces the Obj to the given type. 
    ** Coercion methods are looked up in the following order:
    **  1. 'toXXX()'
    **  2. 'fromXXX()'
    **  3. 'makeFromXXX()' 
    Obj? coerce(Obj? value, Type toType) {
        if (value == null) 
            return toType.isNullable ? null : throw ArgErr(ErrMsgs.typeCoercer_notFound(null, toType))

        if ( == "List" && == "List") {
            toListType  := toType.params["V"] ?: Obj?#
            toList      := (Obj?[])
            ((List) value).each {
                toList.add(coerce(it, toListType))
            return toList

        if ( == "Map" && == "Map") {
            toKeyType := toType.params["K"] ?: Obj#
            toValType := toType.params["V"] ?: Obj?#
            toMap     := ([Obj:Obj?]?) null
            if (((Map) value).caseInsensitive && toKeyType.fits(Str#))
                toMap    = Map.make(toType) { caseInsensitive = true }
            if (((Map) value).ordered)
                toMap    = Map.make(toType) { ordered = true }
            if (toMap == null)
                toMap    = toType.isGeneric ? Map.make(Obj:Obj?#) : Map.make(toType)

            ((Map) value).each |v1, k1| {
                k2  := coerce(k1, toKeyType)
                v2  := coerce(v1, toValType)
                toMap[k2] = v2
            return toMap

        meth := createCoercionFunc(value.typeof, toType)
        if (meth == null)
            throw ArgErr(ErrMsgs.typeCoercer_notFound(value.typeof, toType))

        try {
            return meth(value)
        } catch (Err e) {
            throw ArgErr(ErrMsgs.typeCoercer_fail(value.typeof, toType), e)
    ** Override this method should you wish to cache the conversion functions. 
    ** @see
    protected virtual |Obj->Obj|? createCoercionFunc(Type fromType, Type toType) {
        doCreateCoercionFunc(fromType, toType)

    ** It kinda sucks to need this method, but it's a workaround to 
    ** [this issue]``.
    protected |Obj->Obj|? doCreateCoercionFunc(Type fromType, Type toType) {
        // check the basics first!
        if (fromType.fits(toType))
            return |Obj val -> Obj| { val }

        // first look for a 'toXXX()' instance method
        toName      := "to${}" 
        toXxxMeth   := ReflectUtils.findMethod(fromType, toName, Obj#.emptyList, false, toType)
        if (toXxxMeth != null)
            return |Obj val -> Obj| { toXxxMeth.callOn(val, null) }

        // next look for a 'fromXXX()' static / ctor
        // see
        fromName    := "from${}" 
        fromXxxMeth := ReflectUtils.findMethod(toType, fromName, [fromType], true)
        if (fromXxxMeth != null)
            return (|Obj val -> Obj| { }).toImmutable
        fromXxxCtor := ReflectUtils.findCtor(toType, fromName, [fromType])
        if (fromXxxCtor != null)
            return (|Obj val -> Obj| { }).toImmutable
        // one last chance - try 'makeFromXXX()' ctors
        makefromName    := "makeFrom${}" 
        makeFromXxxMeth := ReflectUtils.findMethod(toType, makefromName, [fromType], true)
        if (makeFromXxxMeth != null)
            return |Obj val -> Obj| { }
        makeFromXxxCtor := ReflectUtils.findCtor(toType, makefromName, [fromType])
        if (makeFromXxxCtor != null)
            return |Obj val -> Obj| { }
        return null