** Spelling algorithm taken from: 
const class Spelling {
    static const Range letters := Range.makeInclusive(97, 122)

    ** Most probable spelling correction for `word`.
    Str correction(Str:Int counts, Str word) {
        candidates(counts, word).max |x, y| { counts[x] <=> counts[y] }

    Str[] corrections(Str:Int counts, Str word) {
        candidates(counts, word).sort |x, y| { counts[x] <=> counts[y] }

    ** Generate possible spelling corrections for `word`.
    private Str[] candidates(Str:Int counts, Str word) {
        result := known(counts, Str[word])
        if (result.size > 0) return result

        result = known(counts, edits1(word))
        if (result.size > 0) return result

        result = known(counts, edits2(word))
        if (result.size > 0) return result

        return Str[word]

    ** The subset of `words` that appear in the map of `counts`.
    private Str[] known(Str:Int counts, Str[] words) {
        words.findAll |word, i| { counts[word] > 0 }.unique

    ** All edits that are one edit away from `word`.
    private Str[] edits1(Str word) {
        edits := Str[,]

        for (i := 0; i < word.size; ++i) {
            edits.add(delete(word, i))

            if (i < word.size - 2) {
                edits.add(transpose(word, i))

            edits.addAll(replace(word, i))
            edits.addAll(insert(word, i))

        edits = edits.unique
        return edits

    ** Word with `i`th letter removed.
    private Str delete(Str word, Int i) {
        left  := word.getRange(0..<i)
        right := word.getRange(i+1..<word.size)
        return left + right

    ** Word with `i`th and `i+1`st letter swapped.
    private Str transpose(Str word, Int i) {
        left   := word.getRange(0..<i)
        right  := word.getRange(i..<word.size)
        first  := right.get(0).toChar
        second := right.get(1).toChar
        rest   := right.getRange(2..<right.size)
        return left + second + first + rest

    ** Word with `i`th letter replaced with every other letter.
    private Str[] replace(Str word, Int i) {
        left  := word.getRange(0..<i)
        right := word.getRange(i+1..<word.size)
        return |ch| { left + ch.toChar + right }

    ** Word with each letter inserted at `i`.
    private Str[] insert(Str word, Int i) {
        left  := word.getRange(0..<i)
        right := word.getRange(i..<word.size)
        return |ch| { left + ch.toChar + right }

    ** All edits that are two edits away from `word`.
    private Str[] edits2(Str word) {
        (Str[])(edits1(word).map |w| { edits1(w) }.flatten)
    ** Load sample text and offer corrections for input
    static Void main(Str[] args) {
        spelling := Spelling()
        text := File.os("big.txt").readAllStr
        counts := Str:Int[:] { def = 0 }
        text.split.each |word| { counts[word] += 1 }
        args.each |arg| { echo(spelling.correction(counts, arg)) }