const classmustache::Mustache
sys::Obj mustache::Mustache
Mustache can be used for HTML, config files, source code - anything. It works by expanding tags in a template using values provided in a hash or object.
We call it "logic-less" because there are no if statements, else clauses, or for loops. Instead there are only tags. Some tags are replaced with a value, some nothing, and others a series of values.
A typical Mustache template:
Hello {{name}} You have just won ${{value}}! {{#in_ca}} Well, ${{taxed_value}}, after taxes. {{/in_ca}}
Given the following hash:
[ "name": "Chris", "value": 10000, "taxed_value": |->Decimal| { return 10000.0 - (10000.0 * 0.4) }, "in_ca": true ]
Will produce the following:
Hello Chris You have just won $10000! Well, $6000.0, after taxes.
This doc is based on original mustache man page:
- _dumpTree
Void _dumpTree()
- forParser
new forParser(MustacheParser parser)
- make
new make(InStream templateStream, Str otag := "{{", Str ctag := "}}")
- render
Str render(Obj? context := null, Str:Mustache partials := [:], Obj?[] callStack := [,], Str indentStr := "")
- specVersion
const static Str specVersion := "1.1.2"