
Public Published Pods

afrankvt has published 53 public versions of 13 public pods.

NameVersionBuilt OnJSSummaryDocumentation
cron1.118th Feb 2023Cron Scheduling API
draft1.518th Jun 2020Draft Web Framework
fanbars0.1227th Mar 2023Semi-logic-less templates
less1.1.518th Jan 2017LESS - Leaner CSS
mailgun1.120th Aug 2019Mailgun
markdown1.027th Sep 2012Markdown to HTML
mustache1.010th Dec 2018Logic-less templates
qrgen1.022nd Sep 2023QR code generator library
redis0.58th Oct 2024Redis API for Fantom
studs1.1019th Jul 2018Studs embedded Fantom API
studsTools1.1019th Jul 2018Studs Build Tool Support
tinypng0.123rd Mar 2022TinyPng image compression API for Fantom
vdom0.119th Dec 2018Virtual DOM API for Fantom