// Copyright (c) 2017, Andy Frank
// Licensed under the Apache License version 2.0
// History:
// 24 Jan 2017 Andy Frank Creation
using web
** Toolchain models a cross-compiler toolchain.
const class Toolchain
** Construct a new toolchain with name and version.
new make(Str name, Str ver, Str githash)
this.name = name
this.version = Version(ver)
this.githash = githash
this.host = Env.cur.os == "macosx" ? "darwin_x86_64" : "linux_x86_64"
this.qname = "nerves_toolchain_${name}-${host}-${version}-${githash}"
this.dir = Env.cur.workDir + `toolchains/$qname/`
this.gcc = dir + ("bin/" + name.replace("_", "-") + "-gcc").toUri
** Compile with toolchains to target systems
static Void compile(Str binName, File srcDir, File[] xsrc, Str[] ccOpts)
echo("compile [$binName]")
ver := Toolchain#.pod.version
Toolchain.toolchains.each |tc, target|
// check if we need to install toolchain
if (!tc.dir.exists) tc.install
// make sure studTools target dir exists
binDir := Env.cur.workDir + `src/studsTools/bins/$target/`
dest := binDir + `$binName`
// compile
echo(" Compile [$binName-$target]")
opts := ccOpts.addAll(["-o", "$dest.osPath"])
src := srcDir.listFiles.map |f| { "src/$f.name" }
xsrc.each |f| { src.add(f.osPath) }
proc := Process([tc.gcc.osPath].addAll(opts).addAll(src))
proc.dir = srcDir.parent
if (proc.run.join != 0) abort("gcc failed")
// indicate dest dir
echo(" Write [$dest.osPath]")
** Install toolchain to host.
private Void install()
// download
echo(" InstallToolchain [$name]")
uri := `https://github.com/nerves-project/toolchains/releases/download/v${version}/${qname}.tar.xz`
tar := Env.cur.workDir + `$uri.name`
download(" Downloading", uri, tar)
// untar
echo(" Untar")
dir := Env.cur.workDir + `toolchains/`
proc := Process(["tar", "xf", tar.osPath, "-C", dir.osPath])
proc.out = null
if (proc.run.join != 0) abort("tar failed")
// rename target dir
(dir + `${qname}.tar.xz/`).rename(qname)
// cleanup
** Download content from URI and pipe to given file. Progress
** will be written to 'out' prefixed with 'msg'.
private Void download(Str msg, Uri uri, File target)
out := target.out
client := WebClient(uri)
len := client.resHeaders["Content-Length"].toInt
in := client.resIn
bsz := 4096 // buf size to read at a time
cur := 0 // how many bytes have been read
Int? read // bytes read on last attempt
buf := Buf { it.capacity=bsz } // read buffer
while ((read = in.readBuf(buf.clear, bsz)) != null)
// pipe to target file
// update progress
cur += read
per := (cur.toFloat / len.toFloat * 100f).toInt.toStr.padl(2)
Env.cur.out.print("\r${msg}... ${per}%\r")
finally { client.close; out.close }
** Print the given error message then exit with error code.
private static Void abort(Str msg)
** Map of toolchains to system targets.
internal static const Str:Toolchain toolchains := [
"bb": Toolchain("arm_unknown_linux_gnueabihf", "1.0.0", "400FC9B"),
"rpi3": Toolchain("arm_unknown_linux_gnueabihf", "1.0.0", "400FC9B"),
"rpi0": Toolchain("armv6_rpi_linux_gnueabi", "1.0.0", "D5EC22E"),
const Str name
const Version version
const Str githash
const Str host
const Str qname
const File dir
const File gcc