// Copyright (c) 2016, Andy Frank
// Licensed under the Apache License version 2.0
// History:
// 23 Aug 2016 Andy Frank Creation
using concurrent
** System models a target system image.
const class System
** It-block ctor.
new make(|This| f)
this.jre = name == "rpi0"
? "linux-arm-sflt"
: "linux-armv6-vfp-hflt"
** Make default System.
new makeDef(Str name)
this.name = name
this.version = defVer[name]
this.uri = `https://github.com/studsio/system-${name}/releases/download/${version}/studs-system-${name}-${version}.tar.gz`
this.jre = name == "rpi0"
? "linux-arm-sflt"
: "linux-armv6-vfp-hflt"
** Unique name for this system
const Str name
** Vesion of system.
const Version version
** URI to fetch system image.
const Uri uri
** JRE platform for this system.
const Str jre
** toStr is {name}-{version}
override Str toStr() { "${name}-${version}" }
** Default system versions.
private static const Str:Version defVer := [
"bb": Version("1.4"),
"rpi3": Version("1.4"),
"rpi0": Version("1.4"),