// Copyright (c) 2016, Andy Frank
// Licensed under the Apache License version 2.0
// History:
// 22 Aug 2016 Andy Frank Creation
using util
** Assemble project.
const class AsmCmd : Cmd
override const Str name := "asm"
override const Str sig := "[target]* [--clean]"
override const Str helpShort := "Assemble project"
override const Str? helpFull :=
"By default the asm command will assemble a firmware image for each
target specified in studs.props. If target(s) are listed on the
command line, only these targets will be assembled.
[target]* List of specific targets to assemble, or all if none specified
--clean Delete intermediate system and JRE files"
** Temp working directory.
const File tempDir := Env.cur.workDir + `studs/temp/`
private Void tempClean() { tempDelete; tempDir.create }
private Void tempDelete() { Proc.run("rm -rf $tempDir.osPath") }
override Int run()
start := Duration.now
// sanity check
if (Env.cur isnot PathEnv) abort("Not a PathEnv")
// make sure temp is clean
if (opts.contains("clean"))
// clean intermediate files
dirs := File[,]
dirs.addAll((Env.cur.workDir + `studs/systems/`).listDirs)
dirs.addAll((Env.cur.workDir + `studs/jres/`).listDirs)
dirs.each |d|
info(" Delete $d.osPath")
// check for cmdline system filter
System[] systems := args.isEmpty
? props.systems
: args.map |n| { props.system(n) }
// build each target
systems.each |sys|
info("Assemble [$sys.name]")
// clean up after ourselves
dur := Duration.now - start
loc := (dur.toMillis.toFloat / 1000f).toLocale("0.00")
info("ASM SUCCESS [${loc}sec]!")
return 0
** Download and install the system configuration for target.
Void installSystem(System sys)
baseDir := Env.cur.workDir + `studs/systems/`
sysDir := baseDir + `$sys.name/`
// check if up-to-date
sysProps := sysDir + `system.props`
if (sysProps.exists)
// bail here if up-to-date
ver := Version(sysProps.readProps["version"] ?: "", false)
if (sys.version == ver) return
// prompt to upgrade
// TODO: do we abort if out-of-date???
if (!promptYesNo("Upgrade $sys.name $ver -> $sys.version? [Yn] ")) return
Proc.run("rm -rf $sysDir.osPath")
tar := baseDir + `$sys.uri.name`
if (sys.uri.scheme == "http" || sys.uri.scheme == "https")
// download tar
Proc.download(" Downloading $sys.name system", sys.uri, tar)
// assume uri is a local file
tar = sys.uri.toFile
if (!tar.exists) abort("file not found: $tar.osPath")
// untar
info(" Install $sys.name system...")
Proc.run("tar xvf $tar.osPath -C $baseDir.osPath")
// cleanup (if downloaded)
if (sys.uri.scheme == "http" || sys.uri.scheme == "https") tar.delete
** Build compact JRE for target.
Void buildJre(System sys)
profDir := profile["jres.dir"]?.toUri?.toFile
baseDir := Env.cur.workDir + `studs/jres/`
jreDir := baseDir + `$sys.jre/`
// determine JRE compact profile to use
jreProfStr := props["jre.profile"] ?: "1"
jreProfile := jreProfStr.toInt(10, false)
if (jreProfile == null || !(1..3).contains(jreProfile))
Proc.abort("invalid jre.profile '$jreProfStr'")
// TODO: check if profile has changed?
// bail if already exists
if (jreDir.exists) return
// TODO: we need to check for latest version... but does that go
// away once we starting building our own JRE with OpenJDK 9?
// find source tar image - first check local dir, and if not
// found try to find the profile dir if one is defined
find := |File dir->File?| {
dir.listFiles.find |f| { f.name.endsWith("${sys.jre}.tar.gz") }
tar := find(baseDir)
if (tar == null && profDir != null) tar = find(profDir)
if (tar == null) Proc.abort("no jre found for $sys.name")
// unpack
info(" Build ${jreDir.name} jre [compact${jreProfile}]...")
Proc.run("tar xf $tar.osPath -C $tempDir.osPath")
// invoke jrecreate (requires Java 7+)
javaHome := Env.cur.vars["java.home"]
jdkDir := tempDir.listDirs.find |d| { d.name.startsWith("ejdk") }
"export JAVA_HOME=$javaHome
${jdkDir.osPath}/bin/jrecreate.sh --dest $jreDir.osPath --profile compact${jreProfile} -vm client")
** Assemble firmware image for target.
Void assemble(System sys)
// dir setup
jreDir := Env.cur.workDir + `studs/jres/$sys.jre/`
sysDir := Env.cur.workDir + `studs/systems/$sys.name/`
relDir := Env.cur.workDir + `studs/releases/`
rootfs := tempDir + `rootfs-additions/`
// release image name
proj := props["proj.name"]; if (proj==null) abort("missing 'proj.meta' in studs.props")
ver := props["proj.ver"]; if (ver==null) abort("missing 'proj.ver' in studs.props")
rel := relDir + `${proj}-${ver}-${sys.name}.fw`
// defaults
fwupConf := sysDir + `images/fwup.conf`
// stage jre
info(" Stage rootfs...")
(rootfs + `app/`).create
Proc.run("cp -R $jreDir.osPath $rootfs.osPath/app")
Proc.run("mv $rootfs.osPath/app/${sys.jre} $rootfs.osPath/app/jre")
// stage faninit
init := Pod.find("studsTools").file(`/bins/$sys.name/faninit`)
init.copyTo(rootfs + `sbin/init`)
Proc.run("chmod +x $rootfs.osPath/sbin/init")
// faninit.props
initProps := Env.cur.workDir + `faninit.props`
initProps.copyTo(rootfs + `etc/faninit.props`)
initProps.readProps.keys.each |n|
if (faninitRetired.containsKey(n))
info(" # [faninit.props] '$n' prop not longer used")
// sys.props
sysProps := Str:Str[:] {
it.ordered = true
it.set("proj.name", proj)
it.set("proj.version", ver)
it.set("studs.version", AsmCmd#.pod.version.toStr)
it.set("system.name", sys.name)
it.set("system.version", sys.version.toStr)
(rootfs + `etc/sys.props`).writeProps(sysProps)
// stage scripts
["udhcpc.script"].each |name|
script := Pod.find("studsTools").file(`/scripts/$name`)
script.copyTo(rootfs + `usr/bin/$name`)
Proc.run("chmod +x $rootfs.osPath/usr/bin/$name")
// stage natives
["fangpio", "fani2c", "fannet", "fanspi", "fanuart"].each |name|
bin := Pod.find("studsTools").file(`/bins/$sys.name/$name`)
bin.copyTo(rootfs + `usr/bin/$name`)
Proc.run("chmod +x $rootfs.osPath/usr/bin/$name")
// stage libfan
libfan := Pod.find("studsTools").file(`/bins/$sys.name/libfan.so`)
libfan.copyTo(rootfs + `usr/lib/libfan.so`)
// stage app
podWhitelist := props["pod.whitelist"]?.split(',') ?: Str#.emptyList
podBlacklist := props["pod.blacklist"]?.split(',') ?: Str#.emptyList
(rootfs + `app/fan/lib/fan/`).create
(rootfs + `app/fan/lib/java/`).create
(Env.cur.homeDir + `lib/java/sys.jar`).copyTo(rootfs + `app/fan/lib/java/sys.jar`)
(Env.cur as PathEnv).path.each |path|
pods := (path + `lib/fan/`).listFiles.findAll |f|
if (f.ext != "pod") return false
if (podWhitelist.contains(f.basename)) return true
if (podBlacklist.contains(f.basename)) return false
if (podDefBlacklist.contains(f.basename)) return false
return true
pods.each |p| { p.copyTo(rootfs + `app/fan/lib/fan/$p.name`) }
// unit database
units := Env.cur.homeDir + `etc/sys/units.txt`
units.copyTo(rootfs + `app/fan/etc/sys/$units.name`)
// tz database
tzData := Env.cur.homeDir + `etc/sys/timezones.ftz`
tzAlias := Env.cur.homeDir + `etc/sys/timezone-aliases.props`
tzJs := Env.cur.homeDir + `etc/sys/tz.js`
tzData.copyTo(rootfs + `app/fan/etc/sys/$tzData.name`)
tzAlias.copyTo(rootfs + `app/fan/etc/sys/$tzAlias.name`)
tzJs.copyTo(rootfs + `app/fan/etc/sys/$tzJs.name`)
// copy user rootfs-additions
userRootfs := Env.cur.workDir + `src/rootfs-additions/${sys.name}/`
if (userRootfs.exists) Proc.run("cp -Rf $userRootfs.osPath/ $rootfs.osPath")
// stage data
(rootfs + `data/`).create
// merge rootfs
info(" Merge rootfs...")
"$sysDir.osPath/scripts/merge-squashfs " +
"$sysDir.osPath/images/rootfs.squashfs " +
"$tempDir.osPath/combined.squashfs " +
// assemble image
info(" Assemble firmware image...")
"export NERVES_SYSTEM=$sysDir.osPath
export ROOTFS=$tempDir.osPath/combined.squashfs
fwup -c -f $fwupConf.osPath -o $rel.osPath")
// indicate image filepath
size := rel.size.toLocale("B")
info(" Release:")
info(" $rel.osPath [$size]")
** List of retired faninit prop names
static const Str:Str faninitRetired := [:].setList([
** Blacklist of pods to remove from app staging.
static const Str[] podDefBlacklist := [