// Copyright (c) 2011, Andy Frank
// Licensed under the MIT License
// History:
//   14 May 2011  Andy Frank  Creation

using web

** DraftErr is thrown while servicing a request from DraftMod.
const class DraftErr : Err
  ** Constructor.
  new make(Int errCode, Err? cause := null)
    : super("$errCode " + WebRes.statusMsg[errCode], cause)
    this.errCode = errCode

  ** Construct a DraftErr that will redirect to a given URI.
  ** This will always be a 303 temporary redirect.
  new makeRedirect(Uri uri) : super.make("redirect", null)
    this.errCode = 303
    this.redirectUri = uri

  ** HTTP error code for this error.
  const Int errCode

  ** URI
  const Uri? redirectUri