// To change this License template, choose Tools / Templates
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// History:
// Oct 25, 2012 tcolar Creation
using fwt
using concurrent
using netColarUtils
** ProcessUtil
class ProcessUtil
File file := Sys.cur.optionsFile.parent + `state/run.json`
** Args for a command
private SavedCommands runCmd := SavedCommands{}
new make()
runCmd = (SavedCommands) JsonUtils.load(file.in, SavedCommands#)
catch(Err e) {Sys.log.err("Failed loading saved run commands", e)}
Void setCmd(Str key, CmdArgs cmd, Bool persist)
runCmd.cmds[key] = cmd
JsonUtils.save(file.out, runCmd)
CmdArgs? getCmd(Str key)
return runCmd.cmds[key]
Int waitForProcess(Console console, Duration timeout := 1min)
Actor(ActorPool(), |Obj? obj-> Obj? | {
start := DateTime.now
Console c := (obj as Unsafe).val
while( c.isBusy )
return c.lastResult
class SavedCommands
Str:CmdArgs cmds := [:]
new make(|This|? f) {if(f!=null) f(this)}