// Copyright (c) 2012, Brian Frank
// Licensed under the Academic Free License version 3.0
// History:
// 22 Apr 12 Brian Frank Creation
using fwt
using concurrent
** Application level commands
const class Commands
new make(Sys sys)
exit = ExitCmd{}
reload = ReloadCmd{key = Key(sys.shortcuts.reloadFile)}
save = SaveCmd{key = Key(sys.shortcuts.saveFile)}
openFolder = OpenFolderCmd{key = Key(sys.shortcuts.openFolder)}
consoleToggle=ToggleConsoleCmd{key = Key(sys.shortcuts.consoleToggle)}
recentToggle= ToggleRecentCmd{key = Key(sys.shortcuts.recentToggle)}
textToggle = ToggleTextOnlyCmd{key = Key(sys.shortcuts.textToggle)}
docsToggle = ToggleHelpCmd{key = Key(sys.shortcuts.docsToggle)}
mostRecent = MostRecentCmd{key = Key(sys.shortcuts.mostRecent)}
prevMark = PrevMarkCmd{key = Key(sys.shortcuts.prevMark)}
nextMark = NextMarkCmd{key = Key(sys.shortcuts.nextMark)}
find = FindCmd{key = Key(sys.shortcuts.find)}
findInSpace = FindInSpaceCmd{key = Key(sys.shortcuts.findInSpace)}
goto = GotoCmd{key = Key(sys.shortcuts.goto)}
build = BuildCmd{key = Key(sys.shortcuts.build)}
buildGroup = BuildGroupCmd{key = Key(sys.shortcuts.buildGroup)}
editConfig = EditConfigCmd{}
prefs = Prefs{}
reloadConfig= ReloadConfigCmd{}
run = RunCmd{key = Key(sys.shortcuts.run)}
runSingle = RunSingleCmd{key = Key(sys.shortcuts.runSingle)}
test = TestCmd{key = Key(sys.shortcuts.test)}
testSingle = TestSingleCmd{key = Key(sys.shortcuts.testSingle)}
buildAndRun = BuildAndRunCmd{key = Key(sys.shortcuts.buildAndRun)}
buildAndRunSingle = BuildAndRunSingleCmd{key = Key(sys.shortcuts.buildAndRunSingle)}
reRun = RerunLastCmd{key = Key(sys.shortcuts.reRun)}
searchDocs = HelpCmd{key = Key(sys.shortcuts.searchDocs)}
newFile = NewFileCmd{key = Key(sys.shortcuts.newFile)}
markAsProject= MarkAsProjectCmd{}
processWindow= ProcessWindowCmd{}
list := Cmd[,]
typeof.fields.each |field|
if ( ! field.type.fits(Cmd#)) return
Cmd cmd := field.get(this)
this.list = list
Cmd? findByKey(Key key) { list.find |cmd| { cmd.key == key } }
const Cmd[] list
const Cmd exit
const Cmd reload
const Cmd save
const Cmd consoleToggle
const Cmd recentToggle
const Cmd textToggle
const Cmd docsToggle
const Cmd prevMark
const Cmd nextMark
const Cmd find
const Cmd findInSpace
const Cmd goto
const Cmd build
const Cmd editConfig
const Cmd reloadConfig
const Cmd run
const Cmd runSingle
const Cmd test
const Cmd reRun
const Cmd testSingle
const Cmd buildAndRun
const Cmd buildAndRunSingle
const Cmd buildGroup
const Cmd searchDocs
const Cmd mostRecent
const Cmd newFile
const Cmd openFolder
const Cmd markAsProject
const Cmd prefs
const Cmd processWindow
const Cmd recent := RecentCmd {}
const Cmd delete := DeleteFileCmd {}
const Cmd move := MoveFileCmd {}
const Cmd about := AboutCmd {}
** Cmd
const abstract class Cmd
abstract Str name()
abstract Void invoke(Event event)
const Key? key
//const AtomicRef sysRef := AtomicRef(null)
Sys sys() {Sys.cur}
Options options() { Sys.cur.options }
Frame frame() { Sys.cur.frame }
Console console() { frame.console }
Command asCommand()
k := key != null ? " ($key)" : ""
return Command("${name}$k", null, |Event e| {invoke(e)})
internal const class Prefs : Cmd
override const Str name := "Preferences"
override Void invoke(Event event)
new make(|This| f) {f(this)}
internal const class EditConfigCmd : Cmd
override const Str name := "Edit config"
override Void invoke(Event event)
new make(|This| f) {f(this)}
internal const class ReloadConfigCmd : Cmd
override const Str name := "Reload Config"
override Void invoke(Event event)
new make(|This| f) {f(this)}
internal const class HelpCmd : Cmd
override const Str name := "Doc search on selection"
override Void invoke(Event event)
selection := frame.curView?.curSelection ?: ""
new make(|This| f) {f(this)}
internal const class AboutCmd : Cmd
override const Str name := "About"
override Void invoke(Event event)
version := Pod.of(this).version.toStr
Dialog.openInfo(frame, "Camembert is a fork of Brie.\n\nVersion:$version\n\nBy Thibaut Colar.\n\nhttp://www.status302.com/",null)
new make(|This| f) {f(this)}