// History:
//  Dec 17 13 tcolar Creation

using camembert
using fwt
using gfx

** PhpSpace
class PhpSpace : FileSpaceBase
  override Str? plugin

  new make(Frame frame, File dir, Str plugin, Uri iconUri)
    : super(frame, dir, 220, Image(iconUri))
    this.plugin = plugin
    slots := makeSlotNav()
    slotsParent.content = slots

  override Int match(FileItem item)
    if (!FileUtil.contains(this.dir, item.file)) return 0
    // if project we don't want to open them here but in a proper space
    if (item.isProject) return 0
    return 1000 + this.dir.path.size

  static Space loadSession(Frame frame, Str:Str props)
    make(frame, File(props.getOrThrow("dir").toUri), props.getOrThrow("pluginName"),

  override Str:Str saveSession()
    props := ["dir": dir.uri.toStr, "icon" : icon.file.uri.toStr,
    "pluginName" : plugin]
    return props

  override Void goto(FileItem? item)
    // Update slot nav
    newSlots := makeSlotNav()
    slotsParent.content = newSlots
    slotsUpdated(newSlots == null || newSlots.items.isEmpty)

  // Figure out slots of given Python file
  // Just some very basic pattern matching for the time being
  private ItemList? makeSlotNav()
    if (file.ext != "php" && file.ext != "module") return null
    items := Item[,]
    inClass := false
    inFunc := false
    brackets := 0
    file.readAllLines.each |line, index|
      line = line.trim
        if(inClass || inFunc)
            if(it == '{')
            else if(it == '}')
          if(brackets == 0)
            inClass = false
            inFunc = false
        if(!inClass && !inFunc && line.startsWith("class "))
          // a struct type
          inClass = true
          brackets = line.contains("{") ? 1 : 0
          item := FileItem.makeFile(file)
          item.dis = line[5..-1].trim
          item.icon = Sys.cur.theme.iconType
          item.loc = ItemLoc{it.line=index}
        if(line.startsWith("function ")){
          // method
          inFunc = true
          brackets = line.contains("{") ? brackets + 1 : brackets
          item := FileItem.makeFile(file)
          i := line.index("(")
          item.dis = line[9 ..< i].trim
          item.icon = Sys.cur.theme.iconMethod
          item.loc = ItemLoc{it.line=index}
          item.indent = inClass ? 1 : 0
      }catch(Err e){e.trace}
    return ItemList(frame, items, 175) // end of struct
