// History:
// Oct 02 13 tcolar Creation
using netColarUtils
using camembert
** GoEnv
const class GoEnv : BasicEnv
@Setting{ help = ["Go distribution folder (where bin/go command is to be found)"] }
const Uri goRoot := `/usr/share/go/`
@Setting{ help = ["Go project workspace (where source projects are)"] }
const Uri goPath := `/home/me/go/`
@Setting{ help = ["Whether to run gofmt upon saving a .go file."] }
const Bool goFmtOnSave := true
@Setting{ help = ["GoFmt options"] }
const Str[] goFmtOpts := ["-w", "{{file}}"]
override Uri? envHome() {return goRoot}
new make(|This|? f := null) : super(f)
if (f != null) f(this)