// History:
//   12 7 12 Creation

** Trio tag/funcs info of a pod
const class TrioInfo
  new make(Str pod, Str:TagInfo tags, Str:FuncInfo funcs)
    this.tags = tags
    this.funcs = funcs
    this.pod = pod

  const Str pod
  const Str:TagInfo tags
  const Str:FuncInfo funcs

** Model for trio function
const class FuncInfo
  const Str:Str data
  const Str pod

  new make(Str pod, Str:Str data) { = data; this.pod = pod}

  Str name() {data["name"] ?: ""}
  Str doc() {data["doc"] ?: ""}
  Str src() {data["src"] ?: ""}

  ** Function signature ... not seing a tag fro that, so extracting from source
  Str sig()
    src := data["src"]
    // probably dont need those checks but being safe
    if(src!=null && src.contains("=>"))
      sig := src[0 ..< src.index("=>")]
      return "<b>${name}</b>${sig}"
     return "<b>${name}</b>(?)"

  override Int compare(Obj that)
    if(! (that is FuncInfo)) throw Err("Can't compare $typeof with $that.typeof")
    return name <=> (that as FuncInfo).name

** Model for trio tag
const class TagInfo
  const Str:Str data
  const Str pod

  new make(Str pod, Str:Str data) { = data; this.pod = pod}

  Str name() {data["tag"] ?: ""}
  Str doc() {data["doc"] ?: ""}
  Str kind() {data["kind"] ?: ""}

  override Int compare(Obj that)
    if(! (that is TagInfo)) throw Err("Can't compare $typeof with $that.typeof")
    return name <=> (that as TagInfo).name