// Copyright (c) 2012, Brian Frank
// Licensed under the Academic Free License version 3.0
// History:
// 24 Apr 12 Brian Frank Creation
using gfx
using fwt
using syntax
using concurrent
using compilerDoc
using camembert
** Index maintains listing of files and pods we've crawled
const class FantomIndex
** Whether we have done the initial pod indexing
const AtomicBool podsIndexed := AtomicBool()
** Are we currently indexing
Bool isIndexing() { isIndexingRef.val }
** Update indexing status
internal Void setIsIndexing(Bool val)
isIndexingRef.val = val
Desktop.callAsync |->|
frame := Sys.cur.frame
if(! val) // done indexing
if(it is IndexSpace)
catch {}
** List all pods found
PodInfo[] pods() { ((Unsafe)cache.send(Msg("pods")).get(timeout)).val }
** List all groups found
PodGroup[] groups() { ((Unsafe)cache.send(Msg("groups")).get(timeout)).val }
Str:TrioInfo trioInfo() { ((Unsafe)cache.send(Msg("trioInfo")).get(timeout)).val }
** Find given pod
PodInfo? pod(Str name, Bool checked := true)
PodInfo? pod := cache.send(Msg("pod", name)).get(timeout)
if (pod == null && checked) throw UnknownPodErr(name)
return pod
** Find given pod
PodInfo? podForFile(File file)
cache.send(Msg("podForFile", file)).get(timeout)
** Find given pod
PodGroup? groupForFile(File file)
cache.send(Msg("groupForFile", file)).get(timeout)
** Reindex given sources / pods
Void reindex(File[] srcDirs, File[] podDirs, Bool clearIndex := false)
podsIndexed.val = false
crawler.send(Msg("reindex", srcDirs, podDirs))
** Rebuild index for given pod, if null no-op
Void reindexPod(PodInfo? pod)
if (pod == null) return
crawler.send(Msg("reindexPod", pod))
** Match pods
PodInfo[] matchPods(Str pattern, MatchKind kind := MatchKind.startsWith)
cache.send(Msg("matchPods", pattern, kind)).get(timeout)->val
** Match types
TypeInfo[] matchTypes(Str pattern, MatchKind kind := MatchKind.startsWith)
cache.send(Msg("matchTypes", pattern, kind)).get(timeout)->val
** Match slots
SlotInfo[] matchSlots(Str pattern, MatchKind kind := MatchKind.startsWith, Bool methodsOnly := true)
cache.send(Msg("matchSlots", pattern, kind, methodsOnly)).get(timeout)->val
** Match funcs
FuncInfo[] matchFuncs(Str pattern, MatchKind kind := MatchKind.startsWith)
cache.send(Msg("matchFuncs", pattern, kind)).get(timeout)->val
** Match tags
TagInfo[] matchTags(Str pattern, MatchKind kind := MatchKind.startsWith)
cache.send(Msg("matchTags", pattern, kind)).get(timeout)->val
** Match files
Item[] matchFiles(Str pattern, MatchKind kind := MatchKind.startsWith)
cache.send(Msg("matchFiles", pattern, kind)).get(timeout)->val
** Whether this is the srcDir(root) of a pod
** Returns the matching pod or null if no match
PodInfo? isPodDir(File f)
return pods.eachWhile |p|
if(p.srcDir == null)
return null
if(p.srcDir.normalize.uri == f.normalize.uri)
return p
return null
** Whether this is the srcDir(root) of a group
** Returns the matching group or null if no match
PodGroup? isGroupDir(File f)
return groups.eachWhile |g|
if(g.srcDir.normalize.uri == f.normalize.uri)
return g
return null
// Cache Actor
private Obj? receiveCache(Msg msg)
c := Actor.locals["cache"] as FantomIndexCache
if (c == null) Actor.locals["cache"] = c = FantomIndexCache(this)
id := msg.id
if (id === "pods") return Unsafe(c.listPods)
if (id === "groups") return Unsafe(c.listGroups)
if (id === "pod") return c.pod(msg.a)
if (id === "trioInfo") return Unsafe(c.listTrioInfo())
if (id === "podForFile") return c.podForFile(msg.a)
if (id === "groupForFile") return c.groupForFile(msg.a)
if (id === "matchTypes") return Unsafe(c.matchTypes(msg.a, msg.b))
if (id === "matchSlots") return Unsafe(c.matchSlots(msg.a, msg.b, msg.c))
if (id === "matchFuncs") return Unsafe(c.matchFuncs(msg.a, msg.b))
if (id === "matchTags") return Unsafe(c.matchTags(msg.a, msg.b))
if (id === "matchPods") return Unsafe(c.matchPods(msg.a, msg.b))
if (id === "matchFiles") return Unsafe(c.matchFiles(msg.a, msg.b))
if (id === "addPodSrc") return c.addPodSrc(msg.a, msg.b, msg.c)
if (id === "addPodLib") return c.addPodLib(msg.a, msg.b, msg.c)
if (id === "addGroup") return c.addGroup(msg.a, msg.b)
if (id === "clearAll") return Actor.locals["cache"] = FantomIndexCache(this)
if (id === "addTrioInfo") return c.addTrioInfo(msg.a)
Sys.log.info("ERROR: Unknown msg: $msg.id")
throw Err("Unknown msg: $msg.id")
// Crawler Actor
private Obj? receiveCrawler(Msg msg)
c := Actor.locals["crawl"] as FantomIndexCrawler
if (c == null) Actor.locals["crawl"] = c = FantomIndexCrawler(this)
id := msg.id
if (id === "reindexPod") return c.indexPod(msg.a)
if (id === "reindex") return c.reindex(msg.a, msg.b)
Sys.log.info("ERROR: Unknown msg: $msg.id")
throw Err("Unknown msg: $msg.id")
catch (Err e) { e.trace; throw e }
// Fields
internal const Duration timeout := 10sec
internal const Actor cache := Actor(ActorPool()) |msg| { receiveCache(msg) }
internal const Actor crawler := Actor(ActorPool()) |msg| { receiveCrawler(msg) }
private const AtomicBool isIndexingRef := AtomicBool()