// Copyright (c) 2009, SkyFoundry LLC
// All Rights Reserved
// History:
// 3 Jan 09 Brian Frank Creation
// 17 Sep 12 Brian Frank Rework RecId -> Ref
** Ref is used to model a record identifier and optional display string.
@Serializable { simple = true }
const class Ref : RecId
// Construction
** Make with simple id
static new fromStr(Str id) { makeImpl(id, null) }
** Construct with id string and optional display string.
static new make(Str id, Str? dis)
makeImpl(id, dis)
** Construct with Ref id string and optional display string.
static new makeWithDis(Ref ref, Str? dis := null)
if (dis == null && ref.disVal == null) return ref
return makeImpl(ref.id, dis)
** Generate a unique Ref.
static Ref gen()
// format as: "tttttttt-rrrrrrrr"
time := (DateTime.nowTicks / 1sec.ticks).and(0xffff_ffff)
rand := (Int.random).and(0xffff_ffff)
handle := time.and(0xffff_ffff).shiftl(32).or(rand.and(0xffff_ffff))
return makeHandle(handle)
** Construct with 64-bit handle
@NoDoc static new makeHandle(Int handle)
// ensure top byte starts isn't 'a' - 'f'
if (handle.shiftr(56).and(0xff) >= 0xa0)
throw ArgErr("Invalid RecId handle top byte: $handle.toHex")
time := handle.shiftr(32).and(0xffff_ffff)
rand := handle.and(0xffff_ffff)
id := StrBuf(20).add(time.toHex(8)).addChar('-').add(rand.toHex(8)).toStr
return makeImpl(id, null)
** Constructor
@NoDoc private new makeImpl(Str id, Str? dis)
this.idRef = id
this.disValRef = dis
// Identity
** Identifier which does **not** include the leading '@'
Str id() { idRef }
private const Str idRef
** Optional display string for what the identifier references or null.
Str? disVal() { disValRef }
private const Str? disValRef
** Get this ref as 64-bit handle or throw UnsupportedErr
@NoDoc Int handle()
if (id.size == 17 && id[8] == '-')
time := id[0..7].toInt(16)
rand := id[9..16].toInt(16)
return time.and(0xffff_ffff).shiftl(32).or(rand.and(0xffff_ffff))
catch (Err e) {}
if (isNull) return 0
throw UnsupportedErr("Not handle Ref: $id")
** Hash `id`
override Int hash() { id.hash }
** Equality is based on `id` only (not dis).
override Bool equals(Obj? that)
x := that as Ref
if (x == null) return false
return id == x.id
** Return `disVal` or if not available, then return `id`
Str dis() { disValRef ?: idRef }
** String format is `id` which does **not** include
** the leading '@'. Use `toCode` to include leading '@'.
override Str toStr() { id }
** Return "@id"
Str toCode() { StrBuf(id.size+1).addChar('@').add(id).toStr }
** Parse "@id"
@NoDoc static Ref fromCode(Str s)
if (!s.startsWith("@")) throw ParseErr("Missing leading @: $s")
return fromStr(s[1..-1])
** Return "[@id, @id, ...]"
@NoDoc static Str toCodeList(Ref[] refs)
s := StrBuf(refs.size*20).addChar('[')
refs.each |ref, i|
if (i > 0) s.addChar(',')
return s.addChar(']').toStr
// Utils
** Null ref has id value of "null"?
override Bool isNull() { id == "null" || id == "00000000-00000000" }
** Is the given character a valid id char:
** - 'A' - 'Z'
** - 'a' - 'z'
** - '0' - '9'
** - '_ : - . ~'
static Bool isIdChar(Int char)
if (char < 127) return idChars[char]
return false
private static const Bool[] idChars
map := Bool[,]
map.fill(false, 127)
for (i:='a'; i<='z'; ++i) map[i] = true
for (i:='A'; i<='Z'; ++i) map[i] = true
for (i:='0'; i<='9'; ++i) map[i] = true
map['_'] = true
map[':'] = true
map['-'] = true
map['.'] = true
map['~'] = true
idChars = map
// TODO: parse old RecId format
@NoDoc static Ref? fromRecIdStr(Str s, Bool checked := true)
// 01234567890123456
// tttttttt-rrrrrrrr
if (Env.cur.runtime == "js") return Ref(s)
if (s.size == 17 && s[8] == '-')
time := s[0..7].toInt(16)
rand := s[9..16].toInt(16)
handle := time.and(0xffff_ffff).shiftl(32).or(rand.and(0xffff_ffff))
return makeHandle(handle)
catch (ParseErr e) { if (checked) throw e }
catch (Err e) {}
if (checked) throw ParseErr("Invalid RecId: $s")
return null
internal Str toZinc()
if (disVal == null) return toCode
return StrBuf(1+id.size+8+disVal.size)
.addChar(' ').add(disVal.toCode).toStr
// Fields
** Null ref is "@null"
const static Ref nullRef := Ref("null")
** Default is `nullRef`
const static Ref defVal := nullRef