** A customisable component for Slim Template rendering.
** Implement and pass instances to the 'Slim' ctor.
const mixin SlimComponent {
    ** The tag name this component overrides. May be a *regex glob*. 
    abstract Str name() 
    ** Called when the component is to render its opening tags. Write HTML to the given 'buf'.
    abstract Void onEntry(StrBuf out, SlimComponentCtx ctx)
    ** Called when the component is to render its closing tags. Write HTML to the given 'buf'.
    abstract Void onExit(StrBuf out, SlimComponentCtx ctx)
    ** Create a new 'SlimComponent' from the given func. Use for simple components.
    ** 'entryExit' is 'true' when 'onEntry()' is invoked, and 'false' when 'onExit()' is invoked.
    static new fromFn(Str tagName, |Bool entryExit, StrBuf out, SlimComponentCtx ctx| fn) {
        SlimComponentImpl(tagName, fn)

internal const class SlimComponentImpl : SlimComponent {
    override const Str  name
    private  const Func func
    override Void onEntry(StrBuf out, SlimComponentCtx ctx) {
        func(true, out, ctx)
    override Void onExit(StrBuf out, SlimComponentCtx ctx) {
        func(false, out, ctx)
    new make(Str name, Func func) {   = name
        this.func   = func

** An instance is passed to 'SlimComponents' for entry / exit rendering.
const class SlimComponentCtx {
    ** The tag style.
    const   TagStyle    tagStyle
    ** The tag name (if defined in the Slim template).
    const   Str?        tagName
    ** The component name.
    const   Str         comName
    ** The ID of the element.
    const   Str?        id
    ** Any classes defined by the element
    const   Str[]       classes
    ** Any attributes defined by the element.
    const   Str:Str?    attrs
    ** Any plain text inside the element.
    const   Str?        text
    ** Std it-block ctor.
    new make(|This| fn) {
        if (this.classes == null)
            this.classes = Str#.emptyList
        // duplicate the functionality of the SlimLineElement ctor
        if (this.text != null && this.text.size > 0 && this.text[0].isSpace)
            this.text = this.text[1..-1]
    override Str toStr() {
        out := StrBuf()
        return out.toStr