using afBedSheet::HttpRequest
using afBedSheet::HttpResponse

** Guards against protocol downgrade attacks and Cookie hijacking by setting a 'Strict-Transport-Security' HTTP response 
** header that tells browsers to use HTTPS. 
**    Strict-Transport-Security: max-age=63072000; includeSubDomains; preload
** See [HTTP Strict Transport Security (HSTS)]`` and
** [RFC 6797]`` for details.
** IoC Configuration
** *****************
** HSTS is disabled by default as you don't want to force your development environment into using HTTPS!
** To enable, contribute this class to the 'SleepSafeMiddleware' configuration:
**   syntax: fantom 
**   @Contribute { serviceType=SleepSafeMiddleware# }
**   Void contributeSleepSafeMiddleware(Configuration config, IocEnv iocEnv) {
**       if (iocEnv.isProd)
**           config[StrictTransportGuard#] = StrictTransportGuard(5day)
**   }
const class StrictTransportGuard : Guard {

    private const Str   hsts

    ** Creates a 'StrictTransportGuard' instance.
    ** - 'maxAge' - How long future requests to the domain should go over HTTPS.
    ** - 'includeSubdomains' - If subdomains should also be HTTPS.
    ** - 'preload' - Allow this domain to be included in browsers HSTS preload list. See `` for details.
    new make(Duration maxAge := 365day, Bool includeSubdomains := false, Bool preload := false) {
        hsts = "max-age=${maxAge.toSec}"
        if (includeSubdomains)
            hsts += "; includeSubDomains"
        if (preload)
            hsts += "; preload"
    override const Str protectsAgainst  := "Cookie Hijacking" 

    override Str? guard(HttpRequest httpReq, HttpResponse httpRes) {
        httpRes.headers.strictTransportSecurity = hsts
        return null