using afIocConfig::Config
using afBedSheet::HttpRequest
using afBedSheet::HttpResponse

** Guards against clickjacking by setting an 'X-Frame-Options' HTTP response header that tells browsers not to embed the page 
** in a frame.
**   X-Frame-Options: SAMEORIGIN
** See [X-Frame-Options on MDN]`` and [RFC 7034]`` for details.
** IoC Configuration
** *****************
**   table:
**   afIocConfig Key             Value
**   --------------------------  ------------
**   'afSleepSafe.frameOptions'  Defines who's allowed to embed the page in a frame. Set to 'DENY' to forbid any embedding, 'SAMEORIGIN' to allow embedding from the same origin (default), or 'ALLOW-FROM' to specify a host.
** Example:
**   syntax: fantom 
**   @Contribute { serviceType=ApplicationDefaults# }
**   Void contributeAppDefaults(Configuration config) {
**       config["afSleepSafe.frameOptions"] = "deny"
**   }
** To disable, remove this class from the 'SleepSafeMiddleware' configuration:
**   syntax: fantom 
**   @Contribute { serviceType=SleepSafeMiddleware# }
**   Void contributeSleepSafeMiddleware(Configuration config) {
**       config.remove(FrameOptionsGuard#)
**   }
const class FrameOptionsGuard : Guard {
    @Config private const Str? frameOptions
    private new make(|This| f) { f(this) }
    override const Str protectsAgainst  := "Clickjacking" 

    override Str? guard(HttpRequest httpReq, HttpResponse httpRes) {
        if (frameOptions != null)

            // don't bother setting headers for non-HTML files
            httpRes.onCommit |->| {
                contentType := httpRes.headers.contentType?.noParams?.toStr?.lower
                if (contentType == "text/html" || contentType == "application/xhtml+xml")
                    httpRes.headers.xFrameOptions = frameOptions

        return null