** Holds a document that may be queried with CSS selectors. 
class SizzleDoc {   
    private static const Regex  selectorRegex   := theMainSelector
    private NodeBucketMulti     rootBucket

    ** Returns the root element of the XML document.
    SElem root { private set }
    ** Create a 'SizzleDoc' from the given root SElem.
    new make(SElem root) {
        this.root = root
        this.rootBucket = NodeBucketMulti(root, true)
    ** Create a 'SizzleDoc' from the given XML string.
    static new fromXml(Str xml) {

    private static Regex theMainSelector() {
        Str nonWord1        := Str<| [^,#<+:\s\[\]\(\)\\\.] |>.trim
        Str nonWord2        := Str<| [^,#<+:\s\[\]\(\)\\]   |>.trim

        Str typeSelector    := Str<| (\w+)?                 |>.trim.replace("\\w", nonWord1)
        Str idSelector      := Str<| (?:#(\w+))?            |>.trim.replace("\\w", nonWord1)
        Str classesSelector := Str<| (\.[\w\.]+)?           |>.trim.replace("\\w", nonWord2)
        Str attrSelector    := Str<| ((?:\[[^\]]+\])+)?(?:\s*([>+]))?       |>.trim
        // Note :first-child & :last-child do NOT have a parameter
        Str pseudoSelector  := Str<| (?::(first-child|lang|last-child|nth-child|nth-last-child)(?:\((\w+)\))?)? |>.trim

        return Regex.fromStr("\\s+${typeSelector}${idSelector}${classesSelector}${attrSelector}${pseudoSelector}")

    ** Queries the document with the given CSS selector any returns any matching elements.
    ** Throws 'ParseErr' if the CSS selector is invalid and 'checked' is 'true'.
    SElem[] select(Str cssSelector, Bool checked := true) {
        // this is just a quick hack for now - but it gets me out of a hole
        // if I need to support a complicated selector with a "," then I probably reconsider the selector!
        cssSelector.split(',').flatMap { doSelect(it, checked) }

    private SElem[] doSelect(Str cssSelector, Bool checked := true) {
        cssSelectorStr := " " + cssSelector.lower
        if (checked)
            selectorRegex.split(cssSelectorStr, 1000).each |leftovers| {
                if (!leftovers.isEmpty)
                    throw ParseErr("CSS selector is not valid: ${cssSelector}")

        matcher := selectorRegex.matcher(cssSelectorStr)
        selectors := Selector[,]
        while (matcher.find) {

        if (selectors.isEmpty)
            return !checked ? SElem#.emptyList : throw ParseErr("CSS selector is not valid: ${cssSelector}")
        possibles :=
        if (selectors.size == 1)
            return possibles

        survivors := possibles.findAll |SElem? elem -> Bool| {
            selectors[0..<-1].reverse.all |sel -> Bool| {
                elem = findMatch(elem, sel)
                return elem != null
        return survivors
    ** Queries the document for elements under the given parent, returning any matches.
    ** Throws 'ParseErr' if the CSS selector is invalid and 'checked' is 'true'.
    SElem[] selectFrom(SElem parent, Str cssSelector, Bool checked := true) {
        survivors := select(cssSelector, checked)
        // make sure our base node is in the hierarchy
        survivors = survivors.findAll |SElem? elem->Bool| {
            survivor := false
            while (survivor == false && elem != null) {
                survivor = elem.parent == parent
                elem = elem.parent
            return survivor
        return survivors
    ** An alias for 'select()'
    SElem[] get(Str cssSelector, Bool checked := true) {
        select(cssSelector, checked)
    ** Adds another root element.
    Void add(SElem elem) {

    ** Updates / refreshes the given SElem - must have already been added. 
    Void update(SElem elem, Bool recurse := false) {
        rootBucket.update(elem, recurse)

    ** Removed the the given SElem.
    Void remove(SElem elem) {
        rootBucket.remove(elem, true)

    private SElem? findMatch(SElem? elem, Selector selector) {
        if (selector.combinator == Combinator.descendant) {
            elem = elem?.parent
            while (elem != null && matches(elem, selector) == null) {
                elem = elem?.parent
            return elem
        if (selector.combinator == Combinator.child) {
            elem = elem?.parent
            return matches(elem, selector)

        if (selector.combinator == Combinator.sibling) {
            parent := elem?.parent
            if (parent == null)
                return null
            index := parent.children.index(elem)
            if (index < 1)
                return null
            elem = parent.children.getSafe(index - 1)
            return matches(elem, selector)
        return null
    private SElem? matches(SElem? elem, Selector selector) {
        if (elem == null)
            return null
        return NodeBucketSingle(elem).select(selector)