using [java] io.bit3.jsass::OutputStyle
** Sass CSS output style.
** See [Sass Output Style]`` for details.
enum class SassOutputStyle {
** Nested style is the default Sass style, because it reflects the structure of the CSS styles and the HTML
** document they’re styling. Each property has its own line, but the indentation isn’t constant.
** Each rule is indented based on how deeply it’s nested.
** Expanded is a more typical human-made CSS style, with each property and rule taking up one line.
** Properties are indented within the rules, but the rules aren’t indented in any special way.
** Compact style takes up less space than Nested or Expanded.
** It also draws the focus more to the selectors than to their properties.
** Each CSS rule takes up only one line, with every property defined on that line.
** Nested rules are placed next to each other with no newline, while separate groups of rules have
** newlines between them.
** Compressed style takes up the minimum amount of space possible, having no whitespace except that necessary to
** separate selectors and a newline at the end of the file. It also includes some other minor compressions, such as
** choosing the smallest representation for colors. It’s not meant to be human-readable.
** The Sass output style.
OutputStyle outStyle() {
// OutputStyle is NOT const, so we can't set it as a field
switch (this) {
case nested : return OutputStyle.NESTED
case expanded : return OutputStyle.EXPANDED
case compact : return OutputStyle.COMPACT
case compressed : return OutputStyle.COMPRESSED
default : throw UnsupportedErr(this.toStr)
Bool isMinified() {
this == compressed