** Converts Java types to more usable Str signatures. 
** @see [Error using java class]``
class TypeCache {
    ** A map of Java Types and their cached names
    Type:Str    javaTypes   := Type:Str[:]
    ** Return the Type signature. Fantom types are returned as are, Java types are converted to more usable Strs.  
    Str signature(Type type) {
        if (type.qname.startsWith("[java]")) {
            jType := javaTypes.getOrAdd(type) {
                // add a random number to prevent name clash
                "Java" + + Int.random(0..<10000).toStr.padl(4, '0')
            return type.isNullable ? "${jType}?" : jType
        return type.signature
    Void addTo(PlasticUsingModel[] usings) {
        javaTypes.each |v, k| { usings.add(PlasticUsingModel.makeFromStr("${k.toNonNullable.signature} as ${v}")) }