** A list of Fantom visibilities.
enum class PlasticVisibility {
** Private scope.
visPrivate ("private "),
** Internal scope.
visInternal ("internal "),
** Protected scope.
visProtected("protected "),
** Public scope.
visPublic ("");
** The keyword to be used in Fantom source code.
const Str keyword
private new make(Str keyword) {
this.keyword = keyword
** Returns the visibility of the given field / method.
static PlasticVisibility fromSlot(Slot slot) {
if (slot.isPrivate)
return visPrivate
if (slot.isInternal)
return visInternal
if (slot.isProtected)
return visProtected
if (slot.isPublic)
return visPublic
throw Err("What visibility is ${slot.signature}???")