// TODO list PillowConfigIds strings somewhere and NoDoc this

** [IocConfig]`` values as provided by 'Pillow'.
** To change their value, override them in your 'AppModule'. Example:
** pre>
** syntax: fantom
** using afIoc
** using afIocConfig
** using afPillow
** class AppModule {
**     @Contribute { serviceType=ApplicationDefaults# } 
**     static Void configureAppDefaults(Configuration config) {
**         config[PillowConfigIds.welcomePage] = "home"
**     }
** }
** <pre 
const mixin PillowConfigIds {
    ** The component name (Str) of directory welcome pages.
    ** Defaults to '"index"'.
    static const Str welcomePageName        :=  "afPillow.welcomePageName"

    ** The default 'Content-Type' to serve pages up as, if it can not be determined.
    ** Defaults to 'MimeType("text/html; charset=utf-8")'
    static const Str defaultContentType     :=  "afPillow.defaultContentType"

    ** Set the welcome page strategy which defines the interaction between welcome page URIs and directory URIs.
    ** Defaults to 'WelcomePageStrategy.onWithRedirects'
    static const Str welcomePageStrategy    :=  "afPillow.welcomePageStrategy"

    ** The 'cache-control' HTTP header value to set in rendered Pillow pages. 
    ** The header is set before the page is rendered, making it easy to override / re-set in any '@InitRender' method.
    ** The 'cache-control' HTTP header is only set in production mode. 
    ** Defaults to '"max-age=0, no-cache"'
    static const Str cacheControl           :=  "afPillow.cacheControl"