using afIoc
using afIocConfig
using afBedSheet
using afEfanXtra
using afPlastic

** The [afIoc]`` module class.
** This class is public so it may be referenced explicitly in tests.
class PillowModule {

    internal static Void bind(ServiceBinder binder) {

//      binder.bindImpl(Routes#).withId("PillowRoutes")
    // TODO: afIoc-1.5
//  @Contribute { serviceType=HttpPipeline# }
//  internal static Void contributeHttpPipeline(OrderedConfig config, Registry reg) {
//      pillowRoutes := reg.serviceById("PillowRoutes")
//      config.addOrdered("PillowRoutes", pillowRoutes, ["after: Routes"])
//  }

    @Contribute { serviceType=EfanLibraries# }
    internal static Void contributeEfanLibraries(MappedConfig config, BedSheetMetaData meta) {
        if (meta.appPod != null)
            config["app"] = meta.appPod

    @Contribute { serviceType=ComponentCompiler# }
    internal static Void contributeComponentCompilerCallbacks(OrderedConfig config, BedSheetMetaData meta) {
        config.add(|PlasticClassModel model| {
            if (meta.appPod != null)

//  @Contribute { serviceId="PillowRoutes" }
    @Contribute { serviceId="Routes" }
    internal static Void contributeRoutes(OrderedConfig config, Pages pages, ComponentMeta componentMeta) {

        pages.pageTypes.each |pageType| {
            initMeth := componentMeta.findMethod(pageType, InitRender#)
            noOfParams := initMeth?.params?.size ?: 0
            regex := ""
            noOfParams.times { regex += "/*" }
            clientUri := pages.clientUri(pageType)
            // allow the file system to trump pillow pages
            config.addOrdered(pageType.qname, Route(`${clientUri}${regex}`, PageRenderFactory(pageType, initMeth)), ["after: FileHandlerEnd"])

        // TODO: should we? redirect welcome pages to directory
//      if (!url.isDir && pages.isWelcomePage(pageType)) {
//          redirect := Redirect.movedTemporarily(url.parent)
//          responseProcessors.processResponse(redirect)
//          return true
//      }

    @Contribute { serviceType=ApplicationDefaults# }
    internal static Void contributeApplicationDefaults(MappedConfig config) {
        // we'll do our own logging thanks!
        config[EfanXtraConfigIds.supressStartupLogging] = true

    @Contribute { serviceType=FactoryDefaults# }
    internal static Void contributeFactoryDefaults(MappedConfig config) {
        config[PillowConfigIds.welcomePage]         = "index"
        config[PillowConfigIds.defaultContentType]  = MimeType("text/plain")

    @Contribute { serviceType=RegistryStartup# }
    internal static Void contributeRegistryStartup(OrderedConfig conf, PillowPrinter efanPrinter) {
        conf.add |->| {

internal const class PageRenderFactory : RouteResponseFactory {
    const Type      pageType
    const Method?   method
    new make(Type pageType, Method? initMethod) {
        this.pageType   = pageType
        this.method     = initMethod
    override Bool matchSegments(Str?[] segments) {
        if (method == null)
            return segments.isEmpty

        if (segments.size > method.params.size)
            return false
        match := method.params.all |Param param, i->Bool| {
            if (i >= segments.size)
                return param.hasDefault
            return (segments[i] == null) ? param.type.isNullable : true
        return match

    override Obj? createResponse(Str?[] segments) {
        // segments is RO and (internally) needs to be a Str, so we create a new list
        MethodCall(Pages#renderPageToText, [pageType, segments])