using afIoc::Inject
using afIocConfig::Config
using afEfanXtra
using afBedSheet::Text
using afBedSheet::ValueEncoders

** (Service) - Methods for discovering and rendering pages.
const mixin Pages {

    ** Returns the page instance for the given page type. 
    abstract Page get(Type pageType)
    ** Returns all page types.
    abstract Type[] pageTypes()
    ** Returns 'true' if the given page type is a welcome page.
    abstract Bool isWelcomePage(Type pageType)
    ** Returns the uri that the given page type maps to.
    abstract Uri clientUri(Type pageType)

    ** Renders the given page, passing the 'initParams' to the '@InitRender' method. 
    ** Note that 'initParams' are converted their appropriate type via BedSheet's ValueEncoder service.
    abstract Str renderPage(Type pageType, Obj[]? initParams)

    abstract Text renderPageToText(Type pageType, Obj[]? initParams)

internal const class PagesImpl : Pages {

    @Config { id="afPillow.welcomePage" }
    @Inject private const Str               welcomePage
    @Inject private const PageRenderMeta    pageRenderMeta
    @Inject private const ValueEncoders     valueEncoders
    @Inject private const EfanXtra          efanXtra
    @Inject private const ComponentMeta     comMeta
            private const Str:Type          pages   // use Str as key for case insensitivity

    new make(|This| in) {

        pages := Utils.makeMap(Str#, Type#)

        efanXtra.libraries.each |libName| {
            efanXtra.componentTypes(libName).findAll { (it != Page#) && it.fits(Page#) }.each {
                pages[getRawClientUri(it).toStr] = it 
        this.pages = pages
    ** Returns the page instance associated with the given type. 
    override Page get(Type pageType) {
        (Page) efanXtra.component(pageType)

    override Type[] pageTypes() {
    override Uri clientUri(Type pageType) {
        clientUri := getRawClientUri(pageType)
        return ? clientUri.parent : clientUri
    override Bool isWelcomePage(Type pageType) {
        clientUri := getRawClientUri(pageType)

    override Str renderPage(Type pageType, Obj[]? initParams) {
        page := get(pageType)
        return efanXtra.render(pageType, initParams)

    override Text renderPageToText(Type pageType, Obj[]? initParams) {
        initMeth := comMeta.findMethod(pageType, InitRender#)
        convert := (initMeth != null && initParams != null)
        args    := convert ? convertArgs(initMeth, initParams) : Obj#.emptyList

        page := renderPage(pageType, args)
        // FIXME: how dow we know it's HTML?
        return Text.fromHtml(page)

    // ---- Private Methods --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------    

    ** Convert the Str from Routes into real arg objs
    private Obj[] convertArgs(Method method, Obj?[] argsIn) {
        argsOut := |arg, i -> Obj?| {
            // guard against having more args than the method has params! 
            // Should never happen if the Routes do their job!
            paramType   := method.params.getSafe(i)?.type
            if (paramType == null)
                return arg          
            convert     := arg != null && arg.typeof.fits(Str#)
            value       := convert ? valueEncoders.toValue(paramType, arg) : arg
            return value
        return argsOut

    private Uri getRawClientUri(Type pageType) {
        // TODO: maybe contribute ClientUriResolvers
        if (pageType.hasFacet(PageUri#)) {
            return toUriFromPageUri(pageType)
        } else {
            return toUriFromTypeName(pageType)
    private Uri toUriFromPageUri(Type pageType) {
        pageUri := (PageUri) Type#.method("facet").callOn(pageType, [PageUri#]) // Stoopid F4
        uri     := pageUri.uri
        if (uri.scheme != null || != null || uri.port!= null )
            throw PillowErr(ErrMsgs.pageRouteShouldBePathOnly(pageType, uri))
        if (!uri.isPathAbs)
            throw PillowErr(ErrMsgs.pageRouteShouldStartWithSlash(pageType, uri))
        return uri
    private Uri toUriFromTypeName(Type pageType) {
        pageName :=
        if (pageName.endsWith("Impl"))
            pageName = pageName[0..-5]
        if (pageName.endsWith("Page"))
            pageName = pageName[0..-5]
        pageUri := pageName.toDisplayName.replace(" ", "/").lower
        return ("/" + pageUri).toUri