** Convenience shortcut methods for creating 'Query' objects.
** These values mimic those on `QueryCriterion`.
** pre>
** syntax: fantom
** const class MyQueries : Queries {
**     Query price() {
**         return and([
**             or([ eq("price", 0.99f), eq("price", 1.99f)  ]),
**             or([ eq("sale", true),   lessThan("qty", 29) ])
**         ])
**     }
** <pre
const mixin Queries {

    ** Returns an instance of 'Queries'. Use when you'd rather not inherit from 'Queries'.
    ** pre>
    ** syntax: fantom
    ** Query price() {
    **     q := Queries()
    **     return q.or([
    **         q.eq("price", 0.99f), 
    **         q.eq("price", 1.99f)
    **     ])
    ** }
    ** <pre
    static new makeInstance() {
    private static const Queries instance := QueriesImpl()
    // ---- Comparison Query Operators ------------------------------------------------------------
    ** Matches values that are equal to the given object.
    ** 'name' may either a MongoDB property name (Str) or a field annotated with '@Property'.
    Query eq(Obj name, Obj? value) {

    ** Matches values that are **not** equal to the given object.
    ** Note this also matches documents that do not contain the field.
    ** 'name' may either an entity 'Field' annotated with '@Property' or a MongoDB property name (Str).
    ** @see ``
    Query notEq(Obj name, Obj? value) {

    ** Matches values that equal any one of the given values.
    ** 'name' may either an entity 'Field' annotated with '@Property' or a MongoDB property name (Str).
    ** @see ``
    Query in(Obj name, Obj[] values) {

    ** Matches values that do **not** equal any one of the given values.
    ** Note this also matches documents that do not contain the field.
    ** 'name' may either an entity 'Field' annotated with '@Property' or a MongoDB property name (Str).
    ** @see ``
    Query notIn(Obj name, Obj[] values) {

    ** Matches values that are greater than the given object.
    ** 'name' may either an entity 'Field' annotated with '@Property' or a MongoDB property name (Str).
    ** @see ``
    Query greaterThan(Obj name, Obj value) {

    ** Matches values that are greater than or equal to the given object.
    ** 'name' may either an entity 'Field' annotated with '@Property' or a MongoDB property name (Str).
    ** @see ``
    Query greaterThanOrEqTo(Obj name, Obj value) {

    ** Matches values that are less than the given object.
    ** 'name' may either an entity 'Field' annotated with '@Property' or a MongoDB property name (Str).
    ** @see ``
    Query lessThan(Obj name, Obj value) {

    ** Matches values that are less than or equal to the given object.
    ** 'name' may either an entity 'Field' annotated with '@Property' or a MongoDB property name (Str).
    ** @see ``
    Query lessThanOrEqTo(Obj name, Obj value) {

    // ---- Element Query Operators ---------------------------------------------------------------

    ** Matches if the field exists (or not), even if it is 'null'.
    ** 'name' may either an entity 'Field' annotated with '@Property' or a MongoDB property name (Str).
    ** @see ``
    Query exists(Obj name, Bool exists := true) {
    // ---- String Query Operators ----------------------------------------------------------------
    ** Matches string values that equal the given regular expression.
    ** 'name' may either an entity 'Field' annotated with '@Property' or a MongoDB property name (Str).
    Query matchesRegex(Obj name, Regex regex) {

    ** Matches string values that equal (ignoring case) the given value.
    ** Note that matching is performed with regular expressions. 
    ** 'name' may either an entity 'Field' annotated with '@Property' or a MongoDB property name (Str).
    Query eqIgnoreCase(Obj name, Str value) {

    ** Matches string values that contain the given value.
    ** Note that matching is performed with regular expressions. 
    ** 'name' may either an entity 'Field' annotated with '@Property' or a MongoDB property name (Str).
    Query contains(Obj name, Str value, Bool caseInsensitive := true) {
        Query().field(name).contains(value, caseInsensitive)

    ** Matches string values that start with the given value.
    ** Note that matching is performed with regular expressions. 
    ** 'name' may either an entity 'Field' annotated with '@Property' or a MongoDB property name (Str).
    Query startsWith(Obj name, Str value, Bool caseInsensitive := true) {
        Query().field(name).startsWith(value, caseInsensitive)

    ** Matches string values that end with the given value.
    ** Note that matching is performed with regular expressions. 
    ** 'name' may either an entity 'Field' annotated with '@Property' or a MongoDB property name (Str).
    Query endsWith(Obj name, Str value, Bool caseInsensitive := true) {
        Query().field(name).endsWith(value, caseInsensitive)

    // ---- Evaluation Query Operators ------------------------------------------------------------

    ** Matches values based on their remainder after a division (modulo operation).
    ** 'name' may either an entity 'Field' annotated with '@Property' or a MongoDB property name (Str).
    ** @see ``
    Query mod(Obj name, Int divisor, Int remainder) {
        Query().field(name).mod(divisor, remainder)
    // ---- Logical Query Operators ---------------------------------------------------------------
    ** Selects documents that do **not** match the given following criterion.
    ** Example:
    **   not(Query.field("price")).lessThan(10)
    ** Note this also matches documents that do not contain the field.
    ** @see ``
    QueryCriterion not(QueryCriterion query) {
    ** Selects documents that pass all the query expressions in the given list.
    ** Example:
    **   syntax: fantom
    **   query := and(
    **     lessThan("quantity", 20),
    **     eq("price", 10)
    **   )
    ** Note the above could also be written as:
    **   syntax: fantom
    **   lessThan("quantity", 20).and([eq("price", 10)])
    ** @see ``
    Query and(Query q1, Query q2, Query? q3 := null, Query? q4 := null) {
        qs := [q1, q2]
        if (q3 != null)
        if (q4 != null)
        return Query().and(qs)

    ** Selects documents that pass any of the query expressions in the given list.
    ** Example:
    **   syntax: fantom
    **   query := or(
    **     lessThan("quantity", 20),
    **     eq("price", 10)
    **   )
    ** @see ``
    Query or(Query q1, Query q2, Query? q3 := null, Query? q4 := null) {
        qs := [q1, q2]
        if (q3 != null)
        if (q4 != null)
        return Query().or(qs)

    ** Selects documents that fail **all** the query expressions in the given list.
    ** Example:
    **   syntax: fantom
    **   query := nor(
    **     lessThan("quantity", 20),
    **     eq("price", 10)
    **   )
    ** @see ``
    Query nor(Query q1, Query q2, Query? q3 := null, Query? q4 := null) {
        qs := [q1, q2]
        if (q3 != null)
        if (q4 != null)
        return Query().nor(qs)

internal const class QueriesImpl : Queries { }