const mixinafMorphia::Converter


Implement to convert custom Fantom types to / from a MongoDB representation.

For more control over how a specific Fantom type is mapped to / from Mongo documents, create an implementation of Converter for that type. Then, in the AppModule, contribute an instance of the Converter to the Converters service:

@Contribute { serviceType=Converters# }
static Void contributeConverters(Configuration config) {
    config[MyType#] = MyTypeConverter()

The contribution key must be the type that the converter, converts.



abstract Obj? toFantom(Type fantomType, Obj? mongoObj)

Converts a Mongo object to Fantom.

mongoObj is nullable so converters can create empty / default objects.



abstract Obj? toMongo(Type fantomType, Obj? fantomObj)

Converts a Fantom object to its Mongo representation.

Must return a valid BSON type (or a List or Map thereof).

fantomType is required in case fantomObj is null. fantomObj is nullable so converters can create empty / default objects.