using afBeanUtils::NotFoundErr
using afBeanUtils::ReflectUtils
using afIoc
using afMongo
** (Service) -
** Wraps a MongoDB [Collection]`afMongo::Collection`, converting Fantom entities to / from Mongo documents.
const class Datastore {
** The underlying MongoDB collection this Datastore wraps.
const Collection collection
** The Fantom entity type.
const Type type
** The qualified name of the MongoDB collection.
const Str qname
** The simple name of the MongoDB collection.
const Str name
@Inject private const Converters converters
private const Field idField
internal new make(Type type, Database database, |This|in) {
entity := (Entity?) Type#.method("facet").callOn(type, [Entity#, false])
?: throw ArgErr(ErrMsgs.datastore_entityFacetNotFound(type))
this.type = verifyEntityType(type)
this.collection = Collection(database, ?:
this.qname = collection.qname =
idField = type.fields.findAll { it.hasFacet(Property#) }.find |field->Bool| {
property := (Property) Slot#.method("facet").callOn(field, [Property#])
return == "_id" || == "_id"
} ?: throw IdNotFoundErr(ErrMsgs.datastore_idFieldNotFound(type), propertyNames(type))
// ---- Collection ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
** Returns 'true' if the underlying MongoDB collection exists.
** @see `afMongo::Collection.exists`
Bool exists() {
** Drops the underlying MongoDB collection.
** @see `afMongo::Collection.drop`
This drop(Bool checked := true) {
return this
// ---- Cursor Queries ------------------------------------------------------------------------
** Returns one document that matches the given 'query'.
** Throws 'MongoErr' if no documents are found and 'checked' is true, returns 'null' otherwise.
** Always throws 'MongoErr' if the query returns more than one document.
** @see `afMongo::Collection.findOne`
Obj? findOne(Str:Obj? query, Bool checked := true) {
entity := collection.findOne(query, checked)
return (entity == null) ? null : fromMongoDoc(entity)
** Returns the result of the given 'query' as a list of documents.
** If 'sort' is a Str it should the name of an index to use as a hint.
** If 'sort' is a '[Str:Obj?]' map, it should be a sort document with field names as keys.
** Values may either be the standard Mongo '1' and '-1' for ascending / descending or the
** strings 'ASC' / 'DESC'.
** The 'sort' map, should it contain more than 1 entry, must be ordered.
** @see `afMongo::Collection.findAll`
Obj[] findAll(Str:Obj? query := [:], Obj? sort := null, Int skip := 0, Int? limit := null) {
collection.findAll(query, sort, skip, limit).map { fromMongoDoc(it) }
** Returns the number of documents that would be returned by the given 'query'.
** @see `afMongo::Collection.findCount`
Int findCount(Str:Obj? query) {
** Returns the document with the given Id.
** Convenience / shorthand notation for 'findOne(["_id": id], checked)'
Obj? get(Obj id, Bool checked := true) {
if (!ReflectUtils.fits(id.typeof, idField.type))
throw ArgErr(ErrMsgs.datastore_idDoesNotFit(id, idField))
entity := collection.get(id, checked)
return (entity == null) ? null : fromMongoDoc(entity)
// ---- Write Operations ----------------------------------------------------------------------
** Inserts the given entity.
** Returns the number of documents inserted.
** @see `afMongo::Collection.insert`
Void insert(Obj entity) {
** Deletes the given entity from the MongoDB.
** Throws 'ArgErr' if 'checked' and nothing was deleted.
** @see `afMongo::Collection.delete`
Void delete(Obj entity, Bool checked := true) {
if (!entity.typeof.fits(type))
throw ArgErr(ErrMsgs.datastore_entityWrongType(entity.typeof, type))
id := idField.get(entity)
deleteById(id, checked)
** Deletes entity with the given Id.
** Throws 'ArgErr' if 'checked' and nothing was deleted.
** @see `afMongo::Collection.delete`
Void deleteById(Obj id, Bool checked := true) {
if (!ReflectUtils.fits(id.typeof, idField.type))
throw ArgErr(ErrMsgs.datastore_idDoesNotFit(id, idField))
n := collection.delete(["_id" : id], false)
if (checked && n != 1)
throw ArgErr(ErrMsgs.datastore_entityNotFound(type, id))
** Updates the given entity.
** @see `afMongo::Collection.update`
Void update(Obj entity, Bool? upsert := false) {
if (!entity.typeof.fits(type))
throw ArgErr(ErrMsgs.datastore_entityWrongType(entity.typeof, type))
id := idField.get(entity)
collection.update(["_id" : id], toMongoDoc(entity), false, upsert)
// ---- Aggregation Commands ------------------------------------------------------------------
** Returns the number of documents in the collection.
** @see `afMongo::Collection.size`
Int size() {
// ---- Conversion Methods --------------------------------------------------------------------
** Converts the Mongo document to an entity instance.
Obj fromMongoDoc(Str:Obj? mongoDoc) {
converters.toFantom(type, mongoDoc)
** Converts the entity instance to a Mongo document.
Str:Obj? toMongoDoc(Obj entity) {
// ---- Helper Methods ------------------------------------------------------------------------
internal static Type verifyEntityType(Type type) {
names := Str:Field[:]
type.fields.findAll { it.hasFacet(Property#) }.each |field| {
property := (Property) Slot#.method("facet").callOn(field, [Property#])
pName := ?:
pType := property.type ?: field.type
if (!ReflectUtils.fits(pType, field.type))
throw MorphiaErr(ErrMsgs.datastore_facetTypeDoesNotFitField(pType, field))
if (names.containsKey(pName))
throw MorphiaErr(ErrMsgs.datastore_duplicatePropertyName(pName, names[pName], field))
names[pName] = field
return type
private static Str[] propertyNames(Type type) {
type.fields.findAll { it.hasFacet(Property#) }.map |field->Str| {
property := (Property) Slot#.method("facet").callOn(field, [Property#])
return ?:
const class IdNotFoundErr : Err, NotFoundErr {
override const Str?[] availableValues
new make(Str msg, Obj?[] availableValues, Err? cause := null) : super(msg, cause) {
this.availableValues = { it?.toStr }.sort
override Str toStr() {