MongoRelease Notes

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v2.x [#v2.x]
A complete re-write from the ground up. Optimised to work with Mongo's stable API v1, as introduced in Mongo 5.2.

v2.1.2 [v2.1.2]
 - New: Added 'MongoConnMgr.isConnected()' utility method.
 - Chg: Moar explicit err msgs on duplicate index key errors.
 - Chg: Exposed *(unofficial)* 'disableTxns' MongoConn URL query option.
 - Bug: Fixed NPE on checking out conns after a lost connection.
 - Bug: Fixed detached sessions being checked in during multi-read cursor ops.

v2.1.0 [#v2.1.0]
 - New: Support for multi-document, multi-collection transactions. See 'MongoConnMgr.runInTxn()'.
 - New: Retryable read and retryable write support via logical sessions, for robustness.
 - New: 'zlib' msg compression now supported via the 'OP_COMPRESSION' cmd.
 - New: Connections now *linger* before being closed (by 'maxIdleTimeMS') to avoid socket throttling during bursts of activity.
 - New: 'db()' and 'coll()' convenience methods on 'MongoColl' and 'MongoIdx'.
 - New: 'appname' is now supported in Mongo connection URLs and passed to MongoDB handshakes.
 - Chg: Exposed new 'MongoConnUrl' class with connection URL options.
 - Chg: Refactored the structure of 'MongoConnMgr' and re-assessed its methods (breaking backwards compatibility).

v2.0.0 [#v2.0.0]
 - New: Everything!
 - Chg: Class names have been abbreviated and start with a 'Mongo' prefix.

v1.1 [#v1.1]

v1.1.14 [#v1.1.14]
 - New: Updated to be compatible with Fantom 1.0.77.
 - Chg: Connections are no longer closed if there are more messages queued up to use the pool.
 - Chg: When 'TcpConnection' throws an 'IOErr' on TCP connection, the cause is no longer lost.

v1.1.12 [#v1.1.12]
 - New: Added 'ConnectionManagerPooled.isConnectedToMaster()'.
 - Chg: Exposed ConnectionManager in 'Collection' and 'Database' classes.
 - Chg: Better handling of network IO errors.
 - Bug: Fixed potential deadlock during failovers.

v1.1.10 [#v1.1.10]
 - New: Support for MongoDB 4.2 and dodgy MongoDB Altas clusters.
 - New: Added 'ssl' and 'authSource' MongoDB connection option.
 - New: Contains UberPod meta data.
 - Chg: Database connections authenticate against the 'authSource', not themselves.
 - Chg: Fixed 'Cursor.count()' to work with MongoDB 4.2.

v1.1.8 [#v1.1.8]
 - New: 'Collection.deleteAll()' convenience method.
 - Chg: 'skip' and 'limit' values are clamped at 0 to prevent negative values - which cause server errors.

v1.1.6 [#v1.1.6]
 - Chg: 'Collection.update()' returns a map of update data and not just the number of docs updated. (Potential breaking change.)

v1.1.4 [#v1.1.4]
 - Bug: Failover did not occur when a host simply went *offline* and refused connections.

v1.1.2 [#v1.1.2]
 - New: Proper fail over in the event of lost connections. Ensure your MongoDB URL has multiple host nodes.
 - New: Should the Master Mongo connection switch / fail over to a replica node, the Connection Manager automatically plays "Hunt the Primary" to re-establish connection with the new Master.
 - Chg: Re-jigged the signature of 'Collection.create()'. (Potential breaking change.)
 - Chg: Exposed 'MongoCmdErr' and added 'code()' and 'errmsg()' helper methods.
 - Chg: 'PooledConnectionManager.minPoolSize' now defaults to 1 (used to be 0).

v1.1.0 [#v1.1.0]
 - New: 'PrettyPrinter' for printing MongoDB documents.
 - New: 'Index.TEXT' for creating 'text' indexes.
 - Chg: Replaced 'Cursor.fields' with 'Cursor.projection'. (Breaking change.)
 - Chg: Exposed some *advanced use* classes.
 - Chg: Removed deprecated MongoDB 2.6 methods.

v1.0 [#v1.0]

v1.0.10 [#v1.0.10]
 - Bug: 'Database.collectionNames()' didn't work with MongoDB v3.2+ and WiredTiger storage.

v1.0.8 [#v1.0.8]
 - New: 'Collection.runCmd(...)' to run arbitrary commands against collections.
 - Chg: Updates to 'Collections' and 'Indexes' to work with MongoDB v3.2+ and WiredTiger storage.
 - Chg: Created a couple 'xxx26()' methods that now only with MongoDB v2.6.
 - Bug: Creating unique indexes didn't work.

v1.0.6 [#v1.0.6]
 - New: SCRAM-SHA-1 over SASL - New authentication protocol for MongoDB 3.x.
 - Chg: Updated 'journal' in write concern to 'j'.
 - Chg: Allowed some 'Collection' methods to take null queries.

v1.0.4 [#v1.0.4]
 - Chg: Changed the signature of 'Collection.mapReduce()' to make 'out' default to *inline*. (Breaking change.)

v1.0.2 [#v1.0.2]
 - New: Updated for MongoDB 3.x.
 - Chg: Added 'fieldNames' parameter to 'findAll()' - see [Issue #1]``.
 - Chg: Made the 'deleteMulti()', 'insertMulti()' and 'updateMulti()' methods in 'Collection' public.
 - Chg: Documented some 'options' parameters.

v1.0.0 [#v1.0.0]
 - New: Support for connecting to Replica Sets via multiple hosts in the Mongo connection URL. All read and write operations performed on the primary.
 - New: Support for the 'waitQueueTimeoutMS' Mongo connection URL option with a truncated binary exponential backoff algorithm to wait for available connections.
 - New: Support for write concern options in the Mongo connection URL.
 - New: Support for 'connectTimeoutMS' and 'socketTimeoutMS' Mongo URL connection options.
 - Chg: The default write concern has moved out of MongoClient / Database / Collection / User and into the ConnectionManager.
 - Chg: 'Cursor.count' now takes into account 'skip' and 'limit'.
 - Chg: Renamed 'ConnectionManager.mongoUri' -> 'ConnectionManager.mongoUrl'.
 - Chg: Index keys must be ordered if they contain more than one entry.
 - Chg: Better Err msg if could not connect to MongoDB.
 - Bug: 'Cursor.count' threw an Err if the query was ordered.

v0.0 [#v0.0]

v0.0.6 [#v0.0.6]
 - Bug: 'Index.ensure()' when comparing indexes did not respect 'unique:false'.

v0.0.4 [#v0.0.4]
 - New: 'ConnectionManagerPooled' instances are created with a [Mongo Connection URI]``.
 - New: 'ConnectionManagerPooled' accepts default database and user credentails to initially authenticate all leased connections with.

v0.0.2 [#v0.0.2]
 - New: Preview Release