const classafJson::JsonWriter



(Service) - Writes Fantom objects to JSON, optionally performing pretty printing.

Pretty printing takes more processing than basic printing, but helps debugging.

Note Fantom entities MUST be converted to standard lists and maps BEFORE being written by JsonWriter.



virtual Obj? convertHook(Obj? val)

A simple override hook to alter values before they are written.

By default this just returns the given value.



new make(Obj? options := null)

Creates a JsonWriter with the default pretty printing options.

options may be a map of values or just true to enable pretty printing with defaults. If null then the default is to NOT pretty print.

writer := JsonWriter()
writer := JsonWriter(true)
writer := JsonWriter(["prettyPrint":true, "indent":"  "])


const Str:Obj? options

Options used for writing.

Defaults to:

    "prettyPrint"   : false,
    "indent"        : "\t",
    "maxWidth"      : 80,
    "escapeUnicode" : true,

If enabled (default) then escapeUnicode will escape all characters over 0x7F using \uXXXX notation.



Str writeJson(Obj? obj, Obj? options := null)

Convenience for serialising the given Fantom object to JSON.

options may be a map of values or just true to enable pretty printing with defaults. If null then it defaults to the class default.

json := jsonWriter.writeJson(jsonObj)
json := jsonWriter.writeJson(jsonObj, true)
json := jsonWriter.writeJson(jsonObj, ["prettyPrint":true, "indent":"  "])


OutStream writeJsonToStream(Obj? obj, OutStream out, Obj? options := null)

Write the given object as JSON to this stream. The obj must be one of the following:

  • null
  • Bool
  • Num
  • Str
  • Str:Obj?
  • Obj?[]

options may be a map of values or just true to enable pretty printing with defaults.

jsonWriter.writeJsonToStream(jsonObj, out)
jsonWriter.writeJsonToStream(jsonObj, out, true)
jsonWriter.writeJsonToStream(jsonObj, out, ["prettyPrint":true, "indent":"  "])

The OutStream is NOT closed, but is returned.