IoC ConfigUser Guide


IoC Config is an IoC library for providing injectable config values.

Config values are essentially constants, but their value may be overridden on registry startup.

This makes them great for use by 3rd party libraries. The libraries can set sensible default values, and applications may then optionally override them.


Install IoC Config with the Fantom Repository Manager ( fanr ):

C:\> fanr install -r afIocConfig

To use in a Fantom project, add a dependency to

depends = ["sys 1.0", ..., "afIocConfig 1.0+"]


Full API & fandocs are available on the Status302 repository.

Quick Start

1). Create a text file called

using afIoc
using afIocConfig

internal class Example {
    @Config { id="my.config" }
    @Inject Str? myConfig

internal class OtherModule {
    @Contribute { serviceType=FactoryDefaults# }
    static Void contributeFactoryDefaults(Configuration config) {
        config["my.config"] = "3rd party libraries set Factory defaults"

internal class AppModule {
    @Contribute { serviceType=ApplicationDefaults# }
    static Void contributeApplicationDefaults(Configuration config) {
        config["my.config"] = "Applications override Factory defaults"

internal class Main {
    Void main() {
        registry := RegistryBuilder().addModules([AppModule#, OtherModule#, IocConfigModule#]).build.startup
        example  := (Example) registry.autobuild(Example#)

        echo(example.myConfig)  // --> Applications override Factory defaults


2). Run as a Fantom script from the command line:

C:\> fan

[afIoc] Adding module definition for afIocConfig::AppModule
[afIoc] Adding module definition for afIocConfig::OtherModule
[afIoc] Adding module definition for afIocConfig::IocConfigModule
   ___    __                 _____        _
  / _ |  / /_____  _____    / ___/__  ___/ /_________  __ __
 / _  | / // / -_|/ _  /===/ __// _ \/ _/ __/ _  / __|/ // /
/_/ |_|/_//_/\__|/_//_/   /_/   \_,_/__/\__/____/_/   \_, /
                            Alien-Factory IoC v1.7.6 /___/

IoC Registry built in 581ms and started up in 18ms

Applications override Factory defaults

[afIoc] IoC shutdown in 17ms
[afIoc] "Goodbye!" from afIoc!


Define Config Values

All config values are referenced by a unique config id (a string). This id is used to set a factory default value, application values and to inject the value in to a service.

Start by setting a default value by contributing to the FactoryDefaults service in your AppModule:

@Contribute { serviceType=FactoryDefaults# }
static Void contributeFactoryDefaults(Configuration config) {
    config["configId"] = "666"

Config's may take any value as long as it is immutable (think const class).

Anyone may then easily override your value by contributing to the ApplicationDefaults service:

@Contribute { serviceType=ApplicationDefaults# }
static Void contributeApplicationDefaults(Configuration config) {
    config["configId"] = "69"

Inject Config Values

Config values may be injected into your service by using the @Config facet with the standard IoC @Inject facet:

class MyService {
    @Config { id="configId" }
    @Inject File configValue


Note that when config values are injected, they are Type coerced to the field type. That means you can contribute Str or Uri values and inject it as a File.

If @Config does not supply an id then it is determined from the field name, class name and pod name. For example, if Type MyService was in a pod called acme and looked like:

class MyService {
    @Inject File configValue


Then the following IDs would be looked up (in order):

<field>                --> configValue
<pod>.<field>          --> acme.configValue
<pod>.<class>.<field>  --> acme.MyService.configValue
<class>.<field>        --> MyService.configValue

Note that config IDs are case insensitive.

Release Notes


  • New: Added more default ID options.
  • Chg: Updated to IoC 1.7.6.
  • Chg: Renamed IocConfigSource --> ConfigSource.
  • Chg: Removed ability to contribute your @Config facets. (An unused feature.)




  • Chg: Updated to IoC 1.6.4 and removed dependencies on deprecated classes / methods.


  • New: Unknown config ids are inferred from the field and pod name.
  • Chg: Updated to IoC 1.6.0.
  • Chg: Replaced ConcurrentState usage with new const TypeCoercer.


  • Chg: Exposed the underlying config map in IocConfigSource.


  • Chg: Updated to IoC 1.5.2.
  • Bug: IocConfigSource.get() threw an Err if coerceTo type was null.


  • New: @Config has a default id of the field name it is being injected into.
  • New: ConfigProvider can be configured with bespoke Config facets. (As used by BedSheet.)
  • Chg: Removed ConfigSource.getCoerced() in favour of a default value in ConfigSource.get().
  • Chg: Upgraded to IoC 1.5.0.


  • New: Preview Release