const mixinafIoc::ServiceDef
Definition of a Service. ServiceDefs
are returned from Registry.serviceDefs().
- aliasTypes
abstract Type[] aliasTypes()
Any aliases the service is also known as (Types).
- aliases
abstract Str[] aliases()
Any aliases the service is also known as (IDs).
- declaredScopes
abstract Str[] declaredScopes()
The scopes this service was declared with.
- id
abstract Str id()
The service's unique ID.
- matchedScopes
abstract Str[] matchedScopes()
The scopes this service has been matched with (and is able to be created in).
- matchesId
abstract Bool matchesId(Str serviceId)
if the service ID or any aliases matches the given ID.- matchesType
abstract Bool matchesType(Type serviceType)
if the service type or any aliases matches the given type.- noOfInstancesBuilt
abstract Int noOfInstancesBuilt()
The number of services (to date) that have been built.
- type
abstract Type type()
The Type of the service.