using afBeanUtils::NotFoundErr

** As thrown by IoC.
const class IocErr : Err {
    ** A trace of IoC operations that led to the Err. 
    ** A succinct and more informative stack trace if you will.
    const Str? operationTrace
    new make(Str msg := "", Err? cause := null) : super(msg, cause) {
        // TODO: find a reference to the containing Registry
        // until we do, all opTraces will refer to the same Reg instance
        // but, to be fair, it's unlikely there'll ever be more than one!
        this.operationTrace = OperationsStack(1).operations.join("\n")
    override Str toStr() {
        opTraceStr := opTraceStr
        opTrace := causeStr
        opTrace += opTraceStr
        opTrace += opTraceStr.isEmpty ? "" : "Stack Trace:"
        return opTrace
    protected Str causeStr() {
        opTrace := (cause == null) 
                ? "${typeof.qname}: " 
                : (cause is IocErr ? "" : "${cause.typeof.qname}: ")
        opTrace += msg      
        return opTrace

    protected Str opTraceStr() {
        if (operationTrace?.trimToNull == null) return ""
        opTrace := "\nIoC Operation Trace:\n"
        lines   := operationTrace?.splitLines ?: Str#.emptyList
        lines.each |op, i| { 
            opTrace += ("  [${(lines.size - i).toStr.justr(2)}] $op\n")
        return opTrace

** Thrown when Registry methods are invoked after it has been shutdown. 
** This has a dedicated Err class so it may be catered for explicitly.
@Js @NoDoc  // Advanced use only
const class RegistryShutdownErr : IocErr {
    new make(Str msg, Err? cause := null) : super(msg, cause) {}

** Thrown when Scope methods are invoked after it has been destroyed. 
** This has a dedicated Err class so it may be catered for explicitly.
@Js @NoDoc  // Advanced use only
const class ScopeDestroyedErr : IocErr {
    new make(Str msg, Err? cause := null) : super(msg, cause) {}

@Js @NoDoc
const class ServiceNotFoundErr : IocErr, NotFoundErr {
    override const Str[] availableValues
    override const Str   valueMsg := "Available Service IDs:"

    new make(Str msg, Obj?[] availableValues, Err? cause := null) : super(msg, cause) {
        this.availableValues = { it?.toStr }.sort
    protected Str availStr() {
        buf := StrBuf()
        availableValues.each { buf.add("  $it\n")}
        return buf.toStr

    override Str toStr() {
        opTrace := causeStr
        opTrace += opTraceStr
        opTrace += availStr
        opTrace += "Stack Trace:"
        return opTrace              

    // internal so it doesn't interfere with the one in afBeanUtils
@Js // 'cos we can't subclass ArgErr in JS - see
internal const class ArgNotFoundErr : IocErr, NotFoundErr {
    override const Str?[] availableValues
    new make(Str msg, Obj?[] availableValues, Err? cause := null) : super.make(msg, cause) {
        this.availableValues = { it?.toStr }.sort
    Str valuesStr() {
        buf := StrBuf()
        availableValues.each { buf.add("  $it\n")}
        return buf.toStr
    override Str toStr() {
        opTrace := causeStr
        opTrace += opTraceStr
        opTrace += valuesStr
        opTrace += "Stack Trace:"
        return opTrace              