** A map Types to Objs that can be looked up via an inheritance search.
const class StrategyRegistry {  
    private const ConcurrentState   conState    := ConcurrentState(StrategyRegistryBestFitCache#)
    private const Type:Obj?         values
    ** Creates an AdapterPattern with the given list. All types are coerced to non-nullable types.
    ** An 'Err' is thrown if a duplicate is found in the process. 
    new make(Type:Obj? values) {
        nonDups := Utils.makeMap(Type#, Obj?#)
        values.each |val, type| {
            nonNullable := type.toNonNullable
            if (nonDups.containsKey(nonNullable)) 
                throw Err("Type $nonNullable is already mapped to value ${nonDups[nonNullable]}")
            nonDups[nonNullable] = val
        this.values = nonDups.toImmutable

    ** Standard Map behaviour - looks up an Obj via the type. 
    Obj? findExactMatch(Type exact, Bool checked := true) {
        nonNullable := exact.toNonNullable
        return values.get(nonNullable)
            ?: check(nonNullable, checked)

    ** Returns the Obj whose mapped Type most closely fits the given param.  
    Obj? findBestFit(Type bestFit, Bool checked := true) {      
        nonNullable := bestFit.toNonNullable
        // chill, I got tests for all this!
        return getState |state->Obj?| {
            state.cache.getOrAdd(nonNullable) |->Obj?| {
                deltas := values
                    .findAll |val, type| { nonNullable.fits(type) }
                    .map |val, type->Int| {
                        nonNullable.inheritance.eachWhile |sup, i| {
                            (sup == type || sup.mixins.contains(type)) ? i : null
                if (deltas.isEmpty)
                    return null
                minDelta := deltas.vals.min
                match    := deltas.eachWhile |delta, type| { (delta == minDelta) ? type : null }
                return values[match]
        } ?: check(nonNullable, checked)

    private Obj? check(Type nonNullable, Bool checked) {
        checked ? throw NotFoundErr("Could not find match for Type ${nonNullable}.", values.keys) : null
    private Obj? getState(|StrategyRegistryBestFitCache -> Obj| state) {

internal class StrategyRegistryBestFitCache {
    Type:Obj? cache := [:]