** Use in a module class to denote a service advisor method.
** Advisor methods let you *intercept* method calls to a mixin fronted service, allowing you to
**  - perform pre & post method logic
**  - change the method arguments
**  - change the return value
**  - catch and process any thrown 'Errs'
**  - ignore the method call
**  - do something else entirely!
** The [serviceId]`#serviceId` argument is a [glob pattern]`sys::Regex.glob` and is matched against 
** all service ids in the registry. This allows a single advisor method to match and advise 
** multiple services. e.g. to advise all DAOs you might define:
**     @Advise { serviceId="*DAO" } 
** The advisor method may be called anything you like. The first argument needs to be a list of 
** `MethodAdvisor`, any other arguments are taken to be dependent services and are injected as 
** such.
** e.g. the following module method adds transaction commit / rollback code to all 'saveXXX()' 
** methods on *all* DAO services. 
** pre>
** @Advise { serviceId="*DAO" }
** static Void addTransations(MethodAdvisor[] methodAdvisors, MyTransactionManager transManager) {
**     methodAdvisors
**         .findAll {"save") }
**         .each |advisor| { 
**             advisor.addAdvice |invocation -> Obj?| { 
**                 // my advice code
**                 transManager.startTransaction()
**                 try {
**                     retValue := invocation.invoke
**                     transManager.commit()
**                     return retValue
**                 } catch (Err e) {
**                     transManager.rollback()
**                     throw e
**                 }
**             } 
**         }
** }
** <pre
** Note you can only advise services that are defined by a mixin, as the advice mechanism makes use 
** of proxies.
** @since 1.3.0
facet class Advise {
    ** The [glob pattern]`sys::Regex.glob` to match against all service ids.
    ** Default value is '"*"', that is, match ALL services.
    const Str serviceId := "*"

    ** Marks the advice as optional; no Err is thrown if the glob does not match any proxyable services.
    ** This allows you to advise services that may or may not be defined in the registry. (e.g. advising an optional 3rd party library)
    ** @since 1.3.2
    const Bool  optional    := false