** Details of a pod that could not be resolved.
const class UnresolvedPod {
** The name of the pod that couldn't be resolved.
const Str name
** A list of pod versions that are available.
const Version[] available
** The committee of 'PodConstraints' that couldn't make up their minds as to which pod version they required!
const PodConstraint[] committee
new make(|This| in) { in(this) }
** Dumps debug output to a string.
Str dump() {
avail := available.isEmpty ? "Not found" : available.join(", ")
output := " ${name} (${avail})\n"
max := committee.reduce(0) |Int size, con| {
size.max(con.pod.name.size + 1 + con.pod.version.toStr.size + 1)
} as Int
committee.each {
output += " " + "${it.pod.name}/${it.pod.version} ".padr(max, '-') + "-> ${it.dependsOn}\n"
return output
** Returns true if, actually, all the constraints can be satisfied by a single pod version!
internal Bool isDodgy() {
available.any |ver| {
committee.all |mem| {
override Str toStr() {
availStr := available.isEmpty ? "Not found" : available.join(", ")
return "Could not resolve ${name} (${availStr})\n" + committee.join("") { " ${it}\n" }