//** (Service) -
** The public API for FPM.
const mixin PodManager {
** Creates a 'PodManager' instance.
static new make(FpmConfig? fpmConfig := null) {
fpmConfig == null
? PodManagerImpl()
: PodManagerImpl { it.fpmConfig = fpmConfig }
** Returns 'PodFiles' from the local repositories that match the given query.
abstract PodFile[] queryLocalRepositories(Str query)
** Publishes a pod file to the given repository.
** 'repo' may be:
** - a named local repository. Example, 'default'
** - a named remote repository. Example, 'fantomFactory'
** - the directory of a local repository. Example, 'C:\repo-release\'
** - the URL of a remote repositry. Example, 'http://pods.fantomfactory.org/fanr/'
** Returns a 'PodFile' representing the newly published pod.
** 'repo' defaults to 'default' if not specified.
abstract PodFile publishPod(File pod, Str? repo := null, Str? username := null, Str? password := null)
** Deletes the named pod from the local repository.
abstract Void unPublishPod(Str pod, Str? repo)
const class PodManagerImpl : PodManager {
const Log log := PodManager#.pod.log
const FpmConfig fpmConfig
@NoDoc // used by afBuild::PublishPodTask
static new makeWithLog(Log log) {
PodManagerImpl { it.log = log }
new make(|This|? in := null) {
if (fpmConfig == null)
fpmConfig = FpmConfig()
override PodFile[] queryLocalRepositories(Str query) {
query = query.replace("@", " ")
if (query.contains(" ").not)
query += " 0+"
return PodResolvers(fpmConfig, File#.emptyList, FileCache()).resolve(Depend(query)).sort.map { it.toPodFile }
override PodFile publishPod(File file, Str? repo := null, Str? username := null, Str? password := null) {
if (file.exists.not)
throw IOErr(ErrMsgs.mgr_podFileNotFound(file))
podFile := PodFile(file)
dstPodUrl := null as Uri
// note the manual indent!
repoName := repo ?: "default"
// publish to a file repo
if (fpmConfig.fileRepos.containsKey(repoName)) {
repoFile := fpmConfig.fileRepos[repoName] + `${podFile.name}/${podFile.name}-${podFile.version}.pod`
log.info("Publishing ${podFile} to ${repoName} (${repoFile.osPath})")
podFile.file.copyTo(repoFile, ["overwrite" : true])
dstPodUrl = repoFile.normalize.uri
} else
// publish to a named fanr repo
if (fpmConfig.fanrRepos.containsKey(repoName)) {
fanrRepo := fpmConfig.fanrRepo(repoName, username, password)
log.info("Publishing ${podFile} to ${repoName} (${fanrRepo.uri})")
dstPodUrl = fpmConfig.fanrRepos[repoName].plusSlash + `pod/${podFile.name}/${podFile.version}`
} else
// publish to an explicit fanr repo
if (repoName.startsWith("http:") || repoName.startsWith("https:")) {
fanrRepo := FpmConfig.toFanrRepo(repoName.toUri)
log.info("Publishing ${podFile} to ${repoName} (${fanrRepo.uri})")
dstPodUrl = repoName.toUri.plusSlash + `pod/${podFile.name}/${podFile.version}`
// allow repo to be a dir path, but then remove the version suffix
else {
repoFile := FileUtils.toRelDir(File(``), repo) + `${podFile.name}.pod`
log.info("Publishing ${podFile} to ${repoName} (${repoFile.osPath})")
podFile.file.copyTo(repoFile, ["overwrite" : true])
dstPodUrl = repoFile.normalize.uri
return PodFile {
it.name = podFile.name
it.version = podFile.version
it.url = dstPodUrl
override Void unPublishPod(Str pod, Str? repo) {
repoName := repo ?: "default"
fileRepo := fpmConfig.fileRepos[repoName]
if (fileRepo == null)
fileRepo = FileUtils.toFile(repoName)
if (fileRepo.exists.not) {
log.info("Repo does not exist: ${fileRepo.osPath}")
podDep := Depend(pod.replace("@", " "), true)
podFile := fileRepo + podDep.name.toUri.plusSlash + (podDep.toStr.replace(" ", "-") + ".pod").toUri
if (podFile.exists.not) {
log.info("Pod does not exist: ${podFile.osPath}")
log.info("Deleted Pod - ${podFile.osPath}")