** Place on the field of a Fantom object / form bean if it should be rendered as HTML '<input>' tag.  
facet class HtmlInput {
    ** The type of input to render. This value is used to select the skin used to render the input.
    ** If 'null' then the msg key '<bean>.<field>.type' is used to look for a value. 
    ** Defaults to 'text' if not found.
    const Str?  type
    ** The label to display next to the '<input>'.
    ** If 'null' then the msg key '<bean>.<field>.label' is used to look for a value. 
    ** Defaults to a human readable version of the field name if not found. 
    const Str?  label

    ** The value to render as a 'placeholder' attribute on the '<input>'.
    ** If 'null' then the msg key '<bean>.<field>.placeholder' is used to look for a value. 
    const Str?  placeholder

    ** If non-null an extra '<div>' is rendered after the '<input>' to supply a helpful hint.
    ** The hint is usually rendered with the 'formBean-hint' CSS class.
    ** If 'null' then the msg key '<bean>.<field>.hint' is used to look for a value. 
    const Str?  hint
    ** The value to render as a CSS 'class' attribute on the '<input>'. 
    ** If 'null' then the msg key '<bean>.<field>.css' is used to look for a value. 
    const Str?  css
    ** Any other miscellaneous attributes that should be rendered on the '<input>'. 
    ** Example:
    **   attributes = "autocomplete='off'"
    ** If 'null' then the msg key '<bean>.<field>.attributes' is used to look for a value. 
    const Str?  attributes
    ** The 'ValueEncoder' (type) used to convert the field value to and from a 'Str'.
    ** 'ValueEncoders' are autobuilt and cached by IoC.
    ** If 'null' then the msg key '<bean>.<field>.valueEncoder' is used to look for a value. 
    ** Defaults to using BedSheet's 'ValueEncoders' service if not found. 
    const Type? valueEncoder
    ** The 'InputSkin' (type) used to render the field to HTML.
    ** 'InputSkins' are autobuilt and cached by IoC.
    ** If 'null' then the msg key '<bean>.<field>.inputSkin' is used to look for a value. 
    ** Defaults a lookup using '@HtmlInput.type' if not found.  
    const Type? inputSkin

    ** If 'true' then the field is rendered into the HTML form as normal, but no attempt is made 
    ** to validate the form value or decode it to a Fantom value. 
    ** Useful for rendering static, read only, HTML associated with the field.
    ** If 'null' then the msg key '<bean>.<field>.viewOnly' is used to look for a value. 
    const Bool? viewOnly

    // ---- HTML5 Validation Options --------------------------------------------------------------
    ** HTML5 validation. Set to 'true' to mark the input as required.
    ** If 'null' then the msg key '<bean>.<field>.required' is used to look for a value. 
    ** If still not found then the input is deemed required if the field is non-nullable.
    const Bool? required

    ** HTML5 validation. Sets the minimum length (inclusive) a string should be. 
    ** If 'null' then the msg key '<bean>.<field>.minLength' is used to look for a value. 
    const Int?  minLength
    ** HTML5 validation. Sets the maximum length (inclusive) a string should be.
    ** If 'null' then the msg key '<bean>.<field>.maxLength' is used to look for a value. 
    const Int?  maxLength

    ** HTML5 validation. Sets the minimum value (inclusive) an 'Int' should have.
    ** If 'null' then the msg key '<bean>.<field>.min' is used to look for a value. 
    const Int?  min
    ** HTML5 validation. Sets the maximum value (inclusive) an 'Int' should have.
    ** If 'null' then the msg key '<bean>.<field>.max' is used to look for a value. 
    const Int?  max
    ** HTML5 validation. Sets a regular expression that the (stringified) value should match.
    ** Starting '^' and ending '$' characters are implicit and not required.
    ** If 'null' then the msg key '<bean>.<field>.pattern' is used to look for a value. 
    const Regex?    pattern 
    ** HTML5 validation. Defines number intervals for a numeric input.
    ** If 'null' then the msg key '<bean>.<field>.step' is used to look for a value. 
    const Int?  step

    // ---- Select Options ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    ** Used by the '<select>' renderer. 
    ** Set to 'true' to show a blank value at the start of the options list.
    ** If 'null' then the msg key '<bean>.<field>.showBlank' is used to look for a value. 
    ** leave as null to use 'OptionsProvider.showBlank' value.
    const Bool? showBlank
    ** Used by the '<select>' renderer. 
    ** This is the label to display in the blank option.
    ** If 'null' then the msg key '<bean>.<field>.blankLabel' is used to look for a value. 
    ** leave as null to use 'OptionsProvider.blankLabel' value.
    const Str?  blankLabel

    ** Used by the '<select>' renderer. 
    ** The 'OptionsProvider' to use to provide, um, options!
    ** 'OptionsProvider' instances are autobuilt and cached by IoC.
    ** If 'null' then the msg key '<bean>.<field>.optionsProvider' is used to look for a value. 
    ** leave as null to use a default.
    const Type? optionsProvider