using afIoc
using afIocConfig
using afBedSheet

** Passed to 'InputSkins' to provide all the information they need to render a form field.
class SkinCtx {
    internal    ValueEncoders   _valueEncoders

    ** The bean instance being rendered.
                Obj?            bean { internal set }
    ** The corresponding bean field.
    const       Field           field
    ** The 'FormField' being rendered.
                FormField       formField { internal set }
    ** The containing 'FormBean' instance.
                FormBean        formBean { internal set }
    ** Convenience for `FormField.errMsg`.
    ** The error message associated with this field.
    ** Setting this to a non-null value invalidate the form field. 
                Str?            errMsg  {
                    get { formField.errMsg }
                    set { formField.errMsg = it }

    ** Convenience for `FormField.invalid`.
    ** Returns 'true' if the form field is invalid. Note that just because the field is invalid, 
    ** it does not mean it has an error message. 
    ** Setting this to 'false' also clears any 'errMsg'. 
                Bool            fieldInvalid {
                    get { formField.invalid }
                    set { formField.invalid = it }
    internal new make(|This|in) { in(this)  }

    ** Convenience for ''. Safe for use as an ID / CSS class name.
    Str name() {

    ** Returns the preferred display label associated with the field.
    Str label() {
        formField.label ?:

    ** Returns the preferred string value to be rendered in the '<input>'. 
    Str value() {
        // if the bean has *any* errors, always render the formValues
        // bean errors indicate that the form has been validated and we are re-rendering the form with submitted values.
        beanInvalid ? (formField.formValue ?: "") : toClient(fieldValue)
    ** Returns the field value. 
    Obj? fieldValue() {
        // if bean is null, check the formValue - we may have set a default!
        bean == null ? formField.formValue : field.get(bean)
    ** Returns 'true' if the *bean* is invalid; that is, if *any* field is in error.
    Bool beanInvalid() {
    ** Converts the given value to a string using the preferred 'ValueEncoder'.
    Str toClient(Obj? value) {
        strVal := (formField.valueEncoder != null) ? formField.valueEncoder.toClient(value) : _valueEncoders.toClient(field.type, value)
        return strVal.toXml
    ** Convenience for `FormField.msg`.
    ** Returns a message for the given field. Messages are looked up in the following order:
    **   - '<bean>.<field>.<key>'
    **   - '<field>.<key>'
    **   - '<key>'
    ** And the following substitutions are made:
    **  - '${label} -> formField.label'
    **  - '${value} -> formField.formValue'
    **  - '${arg1}  -> arg1.toStr'
    **  - '${arg2}  -> arg2.toStr'
    **  - '${arg3}  -> arg3.toStr'
    ** The form value is substituted for '${value}' because it is intended for use by validation msgs. 
    ** Returns 'null' if a msg could not be found.
    Str? msg(Str key, Obj? arg1 := null, Obj? arg2 := null, Obj? arg3 := null) {
        formField.msg(key, arg1, arg2, arg3)
    ** Returns a rendered string of common attributes to be placed in the '<input>' HTML tag.
    ** This includes 'id', 'name' and any validation attributes defined on the 'HtmlInput' facet.
    ** Note the string does *not* contain the 'type' or 'value' attributes as these are dependent on the input type.
    ** The given 'extraAttributes' are merged in, with any values of the same name being separated with a space.
    ** This allows you to pass in extra css class names.
    **   syntax: fantom
    **   attrs := skinCtx.renderAttributes(["autocomplete" : "off", "css" : "funkStyle"])
    ** Note that empty string values are rendered as HTML5 empty attributes.
    ** e.g. '["disabled":""]' would be rendered as just 'disabled'.
    Str renderAttributes([Str:Str]? extraAttributes := null) {
        attrs := Str:Str?[:] { it.ordered = true }
        attrs["id"]             = name
        attrs["class"]          = formField.css
        attrs["name"]           = name
        attrs["placeholder"]    = formField.placeholder
        attrs["minLength"]      = formField.minLength?.toStr
        attrs["maxlength"]      = formField.maxLength?.toStr
        attrs["min"]            = formField.min?.toStr
        attrs["max"]            = formField.max?.toStr
        attrs["step"]           = formField.step?.toStr
        attrs["pattern"]        = formField.pattern?.toStr
        attrs["required"]       = (formField.required ?: false) ? "" : null

        extraAttributes?.each |v, k| {
            attrs[k] = (attrs[k] == null) ? v : attrs[k] + " " + v 

        // TODO: merge or override these attributes with what's just been processed
        // - don't blindly render the same attribute twice
        // - use Pegger to parse
        extra := (formField.attributes == null) ? "" : " ${formField.attributes}"

        return attrs.exclude { it == null }.join(" ") |v, k| { v.isEmpty ? k : "${k}=\"${v.toXml}\"" } + extra