using gfx::Rect

** Implement to define a low level renderer for block images.
mixin Renderer {
    ** Draws an image of a 'Block' as given by 'imageIndex' at the given coordinates.
    abstract Void drawImage(Obj gfx, Int imageIndex, Int dstPixX, Int dstPixY, RendererDrawMode drawMode)   
    ** Called just before a `Layer` is drawn so the desired clipping region may be set.
    virtual Void setClip(Obj gfx, Rect viewBounds) {}

    ** Called after a `Layer` is drawn to restore the clipping region to what it used to be.
    virtual Void restoreClip(Obj gfx) {}

** Used in Pillar Rising Mode to determine which side of the block should be drawn.
enum class RendererDrawMode {
    ** Specifies the whole block should be drawn

    ** Specifies only the left hand side of the image should be drawn (used in Pillar Rising Mode)

    ** Specifies only the right hand side of the image should be drawn (used in Pillar Rising Mode)