** Represents a Mappy '.FMP' map. 
** See `MapViewer` for details on rendering a 'MappyMap' to the screen.
class MappyMap {
    ** This is the maximum number of [Layers]`Layer` that can be contained within a 'MappyMap'.
    ** Has a constant value of '8'.
    static const Int MAX_NO_OF_LAYERS   := 8
    MapHeader   mapHeader       := MapHeader()
    Int:Layer   layers          := [:]
    Block[]     blocks          := [,]
//  MapObject[] mapObjects      := [,]
//  String[]    mapObjectImages := [,]
    AnimBlock[] animBlocks      := [,]
    Int[]       colours         := [,]
//  PixelData[] imageData       := [,]
    Str[]?      description
    Str[]?      textStrings