using gfx::Rect
using gfx::Size

** Renders a `Layer` to the screen. 
** This class may be used independently of (or even without) a `MapViewer`.
** See `MapViewer` for a discussion on offsets.
class LayerViewer : Viewer {
    private Int     tallestPillar
    ** The 'Layer' this 'Viewer' renders.
            Layer   layer           { private set }
    ** Creates a 'LayerViewer'.
    new make(Layer layer, MapHeader mapHeader, Renderer renderer, Rect viewBounds) : super(mapHeader, renderer, viewBounds) {
        this.layer = layer
        pillarRiserMode = mapHeader.risingPillarMode

    override Void draw(Obj gfx, BlockLayer[] blockLayers := [BlockLayer.background, BlockLayer.foreground1, BlockLayer.foreground2, BlockLayer.foreground3]) {

        drawInternal(gfx, viewBounds, blockLayers)
        // FIXME: Old works again! - but should refactor
//      drawInternalOld(gfx, true, true, true, true, true, super.viewBounds.x, super.viewBounds.y, super.viewBounds.w, super.viewBounds.h)

    override Void drawPartial(Obj gfx, Rect dirty, BlockLayer[] blockLayers := [BlockLayer.background, BlockLayer.foreground1, BlockLayer.foreground2, BlockLayer.foreground3]) {
        drawInternal(gfx, dirty, [BlockLayer.background, BlockLayer.foreground1, BlockLayer.foreground2, BlockLayer.foreground3])       
    private Void drawInternal(Obj gfx, Rect drawBounds, BlockLayer[] blockLayers) {
        mapPixX := drawBounds.x + coorInPixels.x
        mapPixY := drawBounds.y + coorInPixels.y
        mapBlkX := mapPixX      / mapHeader.blockSizeInPixels.w
        mapBlkY := mapPixY      / mapHeader.blockSizeInPixels.h
        dstPixX := viewBounds.x + drawBounds.x
        dstPixY := viewBounds.y + drawBounds.y
        maxPixX := dstPixX      + drawBounds.w
        maxPixY := dstPixY      + drawBounds.h

        dstPixX -= mapPixX      % mapHeader.blockSizeInPixels.w
        dstPixY -= mapPixY      % mapHeader.blockSizeInPixels.h
        dstPixXReset := dstPixX
        mapBlkXReset := mapBlkX
        renderer.setClip(gfx, viewBounds)
        while (dstPixY < maxPixY) {
            mapBlkX = mapBlkXReset
            dstPixX = dstPixXReset
            while (dstPixX < maxPixX) {             
                block := layer.blockAt(mapBlkX, mapBlkY)
                blockLayers.each |blockLayer| {
                    imageIndex := block.imageIndex[blockLayer]
                    renderer.drawImage(gfx, imageIndex, dstPixX, dstPixY, RendererDrawMode.drawAll)
                dstPixX += mapHeader.blockGap.w
            dstPixY += mapHeader.blockGap.h

//  private Void drawInternalOld(Obj gfx, Bool transparency, Bool drawBackground, Bool drawForeground1, Bool drawForeground2, Bool drawForeground3, Int dstPixX, Int dstPixY, Int dstPixWidth, Int dstPixHeight) {
//      Int startX      := dstPixX + coorInPixels.x
//      Int startY      := dstPixY + coorInPixels.y
//      Int mapX        := startX / mapHeader.blockGap.w
//      Int mapY        := startY / mapHeader.blockGap.h
//      dstPixX         += viewBounds.x
//      dstPixY         += viewBounds.y
//      dstPixWidth     += dstPixX      // this is the max pix X, hence = viewOffsetX + dstPixX + dstPixWidth
//      dstPixHeight    += dstPixY
//      blockHeight := mapHeader.blockSizeInPixels.h
//      super.renderer.setClip(gfx, super.viewBounds)
//      // initialise loop variables
//      dstPixX -= (startX % mapHeader.blockGap.w)
//      dstPixY -= (startY % mapHeader.blockGap.h)
//      // if hex / isometric...
//      if (mapHeader.isIsometric) {
//          transparency = true
//          dstPixX -= mapHeader.blockStagger.w
//          dstPixY -= mapHeader.blockStagger.h
//          mapY *= 2
//          // all layers (pillars) need to rendered in isometric mode
//          drawBackground = true
//          drawForeground1 = true
//          drawForeground2 = true
//          drawForeground3 = true
//      }
//      mapXStart    := mapX
//      dstXStart    := dstPixX
//      // loop for all blocks to be rendered
//      drawModeB   := RendererDrawMode.drawAll
//      drawModeF   := RendererDrawMode.drawAll
//      myTrans     := transparency
//      isoBh       := pillarRiserMode ? blockHeight : 0
//      blockIndex  := 0
//      Block? block
//      if (pillarRiserMode)
//          dstPixHeight += tallestPillar
//      for ( ;dstPixY < dstPixHeight; dstPixY += mapHeader.blockGap.h) {
//          mapX = mapXStart
//          for (dstPixX = dstXStart ;dstPixX < dstPixWidth; dstPixX += mapHeader.blockGap.w) {
//              if (!pillarRiserMode || (mapY < mapHeader.mapSizeInBlocks.h)) {
//                  // FIXME push down into Block - have some Block : AnimBlock inheritance
////                    blockIndex = layer.isAnimBlock(mapX, mapY) ? layer.getAnimBlock(mapX, mapY).frame : layer.getBlockIndex(mapX, mapY)
//              } else
//                  blockIndex = 0
//              isoY := dstPixY
//              blockIndex--
//              Bool notDrawn := true
//              // FIXME- was a do-while
//              while (notDrawn || (pillarRiserMode && block.flag[BlockPillarFlag.attachNext.toBlockflag])) {
//                  notDrawn = false;
//                  blockIndex++
////                    block = layer.getBlockAtIndex(blockIndex)
//                  if (pillarRiserMode) {                      
//                      drawModeF = block.drawMode
//                      if (isoY == dstPixY) {
//                          drawModeB = RendererDrawMode.drawAll
//                          myTrans = transparency
//                      } else {
//                          drawModeB = drawModeF
//                          myTrans = true
//                      }
//                  }
//                  if (drawBackground) {
//                      imageIndex := block.imageIndex[BlockLayer.background]
//                      if (imageIndex != 0)
//                          renderer.drawImage(gfx, imageIndex, dstPixX, isoY, drawModeB)
//                  }
//                  isoY -= isoBh
//                  if (drawForeground1) {
//                      imageIndex := block.imageIndex[BlockLayer.foreground1]
//                      if (imageIndex != 0)
//                          renderer.drawImage(gfx, imageIndex, dstPixX, isoY, drawModeF)
//                  }
//                  isoY -= isoBh
//                  if (drawForeground2) {
//                      imageIndex := block.imageIndex[BlockLayer.foreground2]
//                      if (imageIndex != 0)
//                          renderer.drawImage(gfx, imageIndex, dstPixX, isoY, drawModeF);
//                  }
//                  isoY -= isoBh
//                  if (drawForeground3) {
//                      imageIndex := block.imageIndex[BlockLayer.foreground3]
//                      if (imageIndex != 0)
//                          renderer.drawImage(gfx, imageIndex, dstPixX, isoY, drawModeF);
//                  }
//                  isoY -= isoBh
//              }
//              mapX++
//          }
//          // if isometric... do the next half row
//          if (mapHeader.isIsometric) {
//              mapX = mapXStart
//              mapY++
//              dstPixY += mapHeader.blockStagger.h
//              for (dstPixX = (dstXStart + mapHeader.blockStagger.w); dstPixX < dstPixWidth; dstPixX += mapHeader.blockGap.w) {
//                  if (!pillarRiserMode || (mapY < mapHeader.mapSizeInBlocks.h)) {
//                      // FIXME push down into Block - have some Block : AnimBlock inheritance
////                        blockIndex = layer.isAnimBlock(mapX, mapY) ? layer.getAnimBlock(mapX, mapY).frame : layer.getBlockIndex(mapX, mapY)
//                  } else
//                      blockIndex = 0
//                  Int isoY := dstPixY
//                  blockIndex--
//                  // FIXME
//                  while (pillarRiserMode && block.flag[BlockPillarFlag.attachNext.toBlockflag]) {
//                      blockIndex++
////                        block = layer.getBlockAtIndex(blockIndex)
//                      if (pillarRiserMode) {                      
//                          drawModeF = block.drawMode
//                          if (isoY == dstPixY) {
//                              drawModeB = RendererDrawMode.drawAll
//                              myTrans = transparency
//                          } else {
//                              drawModeB = drawModeF
//                              myTrans = true
//                          }
//                      }
//                      if (drawBackground) {
//                          imageIndex := block.imageIndex[BlockLayer.background]
//                          if (imageIndex != 0)
//                              renderer.drawImage(gfx, imageIndex, dstPixX, isoY, drawModeB);
//                      }
//                      isoY -= isoBh
//                      if (drawForeground1) {
//                          imageIndex := block.imageIndex[BlockLayer.foreground1]
//                          if (imageIndex != 0)
//                              renderer.drawImage(gfx, imageIndex, dstPixX, isoY, drawModeF);
//                      }
//                      isoY -= isoBh
//                      if (drawForeground2) {
//                          imageIndex := block.imageIndex[BlockLayer.foreground2]
//                          if (imageIndex != 0)
//                              renderer.drawImage(gfx, imageIndex, dstPixX, isoY, drawModeF);
//                      }
//                      isoY -= isoBh
//                      if (drawForeground3) {
//                          imageIndex := block.imageIndex[BlockLayer.foreground3]
//                          if (imageIndex != 0)
//                              renderer.drawImage(gfx, imageIndex, dstPixX, isoY, drawModeF);
//                      }
//                      isoY -= isoBh
//                  }
//                  mapX++
//              }
//              dstPixY -= mapHeader.blockStagger.h
//          }
//          mapY++
//      }
//      // restore Clip
//      renderer.restoreClip(gfx)
//  }   