using gfx::Size

** Represents one of the layers in a `MappyMap`. 
** See `LayerViewer` for details on rendering a 'Layer' to the screen.
class Layer {
    private MapHeader       mapHeader
    private Block[]         blocks
    private AnimBlock[]     animBlocks
    private LayerData       layerData
    ** The size of the layer in blocks.
    const   Size            sizeInBlocks
    ** The size of the layer in pixels.
    const   Size            sizeInPixels
    ** Creates a 'Layer'.
    new make(MapHeader mapHeader, LayerData layerData, Block[] blocks, AnimBlock[] animBlocks) {
        this.mapHeader      = mapHeader
        this.layerData      = layerData
        this.blocks         = blocks
        this.animBlocks     = animBlocks
        this.sizeInBlocks   = layerData.size
        this.sizeInPixels   = mapHeader.mapSizeInPixels // TODO: is this correct?

    ** Returns the `Block` at the given block coordinates.
    ** If the block is an animation block then the current block in the anim sequence is returned.
    Block blockAt(Int blockX, Int blockY) {
        blockIndex := isAnimBlock(blockX, blockY) ? animBlockAt(blockX, blockY).frame : layerData.get(blockX, blockY)
        return blocks[blockIndex]
    ** Returns the `AnimBlock` at the given block coordinates.
    ** If the block is not an `AnimBlock` an 'ArgErr' is thrown.
    AnimBlock animBlockAt(Int blockX, Int blockY) {

        // grab the index...
        blockIndex := layerData.get(blockX, blockY)

        // is it an animation block?
        if (blockIndex >= 0)
            throw ArgErr("The block at coors [$blockX][$blockY] is not an AnimBlock")

        // ...and return the anim block
        return animBlocks[-blockIndex - 1]

    ** Checks if the block at the given coordinates is an `AnimBlock`.
    Bool isAnimBlock(Int blockX, Int blockY) {
        return layerData.get(blockX, blockY) < 0

    ** Performs a collision detection test at the given pixel coordinates using the `Block`s 
    ** collision flags.
    Bool isCollisionAt(Int pixelX, Int pixelY) {
        collisionAt(pixelX, pixelY) != null

    ** Performs a collision detection test at the given pixel coordinates using the `Block`s 
    ** collision flags. Returns null if n collision occurred.
    BlockCorner? collisionAt(Int pixelX, Int pixelY) {

        // note this method isn't in the Block because a block has no notion
        // of it's size - i guess it should do but I'm thinking of code size
        blockSize   := mapHeader.blockSizeInPixels
        blockX      := pixelX / blockSize.w
        blockY      := pixelY / blockSize.h
        modX        := pixelX % blockSize.w
        modY        := pixelY % blockSize.h
        block       := blockAt(blockX, blockY)

        BlockCorner? corner
        if (modX >= (blockSize.w / 2)) 
            if (modY >= (blockSize.h / 2))
                corner = BlockCorner.bottomRight
                corner = BlockCorner.topRight
            if (modY >= (blockSize.h / 2))
                corner = BlockCorner.bottomLeft
                corner = BlockCorner.topLeft

        if (!block.collisionFlag[corner])
            corner = null

        return corner

** Represents the data in a `Layer`. It's essentially a 2D array of 'Ints'. 
class LayerData {
    internal const  Size    size    
    private Int[]   data    := [,]
    internal new make(Size layerSize) {
        this.size = layerSize
        data.fill(0, size.w * size.h)
    ** Gets the data at the given coordinates.
    ** Throws 'ArgErr' should the coordinates be out of bounds.
    Int get(Int x, Int y) {
        checkXY(x, y)
        index := (y * size.w) + x
        return data[index]
    ** Sets the data at the given coordinates.
    ** Throws 'ArgErr' should the coordinates be out of bounds.
    Void set(Int x, Int y, Int val) {
        checkXY(x, y)
        index := (y * size.w) + x
        data[index] = val

    internal Void div(Int x, Int y, Int divVal) {
        checkXY(x, y)
        index := (y * size.w) + x
        data[index] /= divVal
    private Void checkXY(Int x, Int y) {
        if (x < 0)          throw ArgErr("X '$x' can not be < 0")
        if (x >= size.w)    throw ArgErr("X '$x' can not be >= $size.w")
        if (y < 0)          throw ArgErr("Y '$y' can not be < 0")
        if (y >= size.h)    throw ArgErr("Y '$y' can not be >= $size.h")