** Registers the 'fandoc://' scheme to be viewed in the `Browser`.
** The scheme resolves to a flux `FandocResource`. (Couldn't think of any reason to resolve it to
** an intermediate object.)
const class FandocScheme : UriScheme {
override Obj? get(Uri uri, Obj? base) {
// we don't need canonicalize top level docs
if (uri.host == null || uri.host.isEmpty)
return FandocResource(`fandoc://`, base)
// to start off, ensure we have a full and complete uri
// expand 'fandoc://afFancom' to 'fandoc://afFancom/index'
if (uri.basename.isEmpty) {
if (!uri.isDir)
uri = uri.plusSlash
uri = uri.plusName("index")
// canonicalize 'fandoc://afFancom/../sys/Obj' to 'fandoc://sys/Obj'
// it's a lot trickier than you'd think!
scheme := "fandoc"
type := uri.name
frag := uri.frag ?: ""
// working our way backwacks through the path, ignoring the first element, find the first
// element not equal to ".."
pod := uri.path.rw.reverse.find |p, i| {
p != ".." && i >= 1
} ?: uri.host
if (!frag.isEmpty)
frag = "#$frag"
// reassemble the uri
uri = `${scheme}://${pod}/${type}${frag}`
return FandocResource(uri, base)