using [java] as JComThread

** Handles the tricky business of COM threading. 
** Every time a Fancom Variant is created, a doppelganger is created in COM land. While the JVM 
** Garbage Collector does a good of cleaning up the Fancom Variants, there is no similar mechanism 
** to clean up the Variants in COM land. 
** Instead, JACOB holds references to these COM Variants, on a per thread basis, in a Running 
** Object Table (ROT) and only destroys them upon a manual call to `ComThread.release`. 
** (To do a proper job of this requires a finer grained control of the ROT - so some main classes,
** like SpInProcRecoCtx, don't get cleaned up and continue to fire events. The rest of the code 
** (including Event Code) could then be run in a closure to release all objects created within. 
** But this needs JACOB to be modified.) 
** In essence, call 'initSta()' at the start of your COM calls and 'release()' at the end.
** For more details:
** - See [COM Apartments in JACOB]`` from JACOB
** - See [The Least You Need to Know about COM]`` from Groovy Scriptcom
class ComThread {

    static const private |->| shutdownHook := |->| {
    ** Initialise an STA thread.
    static Void initSta() {

    ** Initialise an MTA thread.
    static Void initMta() {
    ** Release current COM resources for this thread.
    static Void release() {
    private static Void releaseThreadOnShutdown() {
        // ensure we don't keep adding more and more hooks!
        // (re)register the hook