A Reflux file explorer application with reusable editors and viewers
Explorer | (Service) - The main service API for Explorer operations. |
FilePopupMenu | (Service) - Populates the content menu / popup menu for file resources. |
FolderPopupMenu | (Service) - Populates the content menu / popup menu for folder resources. |
FandocResource | (Resource) - Represents Fantom API documentation. |
FandocViewer | (View) - A viewer for |
FileResource | (Resource) - Represents a file on the file system or a pod resource. |
FolderResource | (Resource) - Represents a folder on the file system. |
HtmlViewer | (View) - A HTML viewer for HTTP and file resources. |
HttpResource | (Resource) - Represents a resource available on the Internet. |
ImageViewer | (View) - A simple image viewer for file resources. |
Main | Use to launch the Explorer application from the command line. |
SilentDocEnv | |
TextEditor | (View) - A text editor with syntax highlighting. |