Explorer 0.0.10
(Internal) A Reflux file explorer application with reusable editors and viewers

Explorer is a support library that aids Alien-Factory in the development of other libraries, frameworks and applications. Though you are welcome to use it, you may find features are missing and the documentation incomplete.

Explorer is a file explorer application based on the Reflux framework. More than an application, Explorer also provides reusable Views and Editors. Explorer may also be enhanced through the use of Plugins.

Current features:

  • System file explorer
  • Fantom documentation viewer
  • A better web browser / html viewer
  • Fandoc file viewer
  • Text editor (borrowed from fluxText)
  • Syntax highlighting (uses syntax)

The small things that make me use it:

  • Quick view / edit toggling with F12
  • Easily show / hide hidden files
  • Text editor word wrapping (configurable)
  • Address bar accepts pod names, e.g. afIoc



To install Explorer with Fantom Pod Manager, cut'n'paste the following into a cmd prompt, terminal or shell:

Or to install Explorer with the Fantom Repository Manager (fanr), cut'n'paste the following into a cmd prompt, terminal or shell:

Or to install manually, download the pod file and copy it to the %FAN_HOME%/lib/fan/ directory.

afExplorer.pod (265.95 kB)


To use Explorer in a Fantom project, add a dependency to the project's build.fan:

depends = ["sys 1.0", ..., "afExplorer 0.0.10 - 0.0"]



Meta information on the Explorer pod:

Published by
Steve Eynon
Pod file size
265.95 kB
The MIT Licence
Built on
7th Apr 2015
Source code
via Mercurial at https://bitbucket.org/AlienFactory/afexplorer
Depends on
afBeanUtils, afIoc, afReflux, compilerDoc, fandoc, fwt, gfx, syntax, sys, util, web
Referenced by
Javascript Compatible

Dependency Graph

  Use mouse to re-position pods

Release History

There have been 14 releases of Explorer: